Eric Mersch
Eric Mersch
Teaching assistant, Université Libre de Bruxelles
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Symmetry breaking in a few-body system with magnetocapillary interactions
N Vandewalle, L Clermont, D Terwagne, S Dorbolo, E Mersch, G Lumay
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012
Melting of a confined monolayer of magnetized beads
J Schockmel, E Mersch, N Vandewalle, G Lumay
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (6 …, 2013
Effect of an electric field on an intermittent granular flow
E Mersch, G Lumay, F Boschini, N Vandewalle
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (4 …, 2010
Underwater magnetic target localization and characterization using a three-axis gradiometer
E Mersch, Y Yvinec, Y Dupont, X Neyt, P Druyts
OCEANS 2014-TAIPEI, 1-6, 2014
The special case of sea mines
OLL Tellez, A Borghgraef, E Mersch
Mine Action—The Research Experience of the Royal Military Academy of …, 2017
Hysteretic behavior in three-dimensional soap film rearrangements
N Vandewalle, M Noirhomme, J Schockmel, E Mersch, G Lumay, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (2 …, 2011
Antiphase synchronization of electrically shaken conducting beads
E Mersch, N Vandewalle
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (6 …, 2011
The special case of sea mines
OL Lopera Tellez, A Borghgraef, E Mersch
Mine Action-The Research Experience of the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, 2017
Mine Action-The Research Experience of the Royal Military Academy of Belgium
C Beumier, D Closson, V Lacroix, N Milisavljevic, Y Yvinec
Etude de grains et de matière granulaire sous champs électriques
E Mersch
ULiège-Université de Liège, 2013
Soap Film Has Memory
M Schirber
Physics 27, 7, 2011
Focus: Soap Film Has Memory
N Vandewalle, M Noirhomme, J Schockmel, E Mersch, G Lumay, ...
Phys. Rev Phys Rev Focus 27, 7, 2011
Effect of an electric field on an intermittent granular flow
E Mersch, G Lumay, F Boschini, N Vandewalle
Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81, 2010
Probability maps for sea mine risk assessment
E Mersch, X Neyt, P Druyts
Bayesian map fusion for target detection and localization
E Mersch, P Druyts, X Neyt
Sea mine detection using a magnetic gradiometer
E Mersch, P Druyts, X Neyt
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Articles 1–16