Janghyeok Yoon
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Cited by
Social media mining for product planning: A product opportunity mining approach based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis
B Jeong, J Yoon, JM Lee
International Journal of Information Management 48, 280-290, 2019
Identifying rapidly evolving technological trends for R&D planning using SAO-based semantic patent networks
J Yoon, K Kim
Scientometrics 88 (1), 213-228, 2011
Detecting signals of new technological opportunities using semantic patent analysis and outlier detection
J Yoon, K Kim
Scientometrics 90 (2), 445-461, 2012
Identifying technological competition trends for R&D planning using dynamic patent maps: SAO-based content analysis
J Yoon, H Park, K Kim
Scientometrics 94, 313-331, 2013
Detecting weak signals for long-term business opportunities using text mining of Web news
J Yoon
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (16), 12543-12550, 2012
SAO network analysis of patents for technology trends identification: a case study of polymer electrolyte membrane technology in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
S Choi, J Yoon, K Kim, JY Lee, CH Kim
Scientometrics 88 (3), 863-883, 2011
A patent intelligence system for strategic technology planning
H Park, K Kim, S Choi, J Yoon
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (7), 2373-2390, 2013
Social media analytics and business intelligence research: A systematic review
J Choi, J Yoon, J Chung, BY Coh, JM Lee
Information Processing & Management 57 (6), 102279, 2020
Identifying patent infringement using SAO based semantic technological similarities
H Park, J Yoon, K Kim
Scientometrics 90 (2), 515-529, 2012
TrendPerceptor: A property–function based technology intelligence system for identifying technology trends from patents
J Yoon, K Kim
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3), 2927-2938, 2012
An SAO‐based text‐mining approach for technology roadmapping using patent information
S Choi, H Kim, J Yoon, K Kim, JY Lee
R&D Management 43 (1), 52-74, 2013
Assessing coreness and intermediarity of technology sectors using patent co-classification analysis: the case of Korean national R&D
H Park, J Yoon
Scientometrics 98, 853-890, 2014
Application technology opportunity discovery from technology portfolios: Use of patent classification and collaborative filtering
Y Park, J Yoon
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 118, 170-183, 2017
Technology opportunity discovery (TOD) from existing technologies and products: A function-based TOD framework
J Yoon, H Park, W Seo, JM Lee, B Coh, J Kim
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 100, 153-167, 2015
Analyzing interdisciplinarity of technology fusion using knowledge flows of patents
N Ko, J Yoon, W Seo
Expert systems with applications 41 (4), 1955-1963, 2014
Product opportunity identification based on internal capabilities using text mining and association rule mining
W Seo, J Yoon, H Park, B Coh, JM Lee, OJ Kwon
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 105, 94-104, 2016
Identifying product opportunities using collaborative filtering-based patent analysis
J Yoon, W Seo, BY Coh, I Song, JM Lee
Computers & Industrial Engineering 107, 376-387, 2017
Invention property-function network analysis of patents: a case of silicon-based thin film solar cells
J Yoon, S Choi, K Kim
Scientometrics 86 (3), 687-703, 2011
Patent document clustering with deep embeddings
J Kim, J Yoon, E Park, S Choi
Scientometrics 123 (2), 563-577, 2020
Identification and evaluation of corporations for merger and acquisition strategies using patent information and text mining
H Park, J Yoon, K Kim
Scientometrics 97, 883-909, 2013
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Articles 1–20