Bobbi Helgason
Bobbi Helgason
Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan
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No-till soil management increases microbial biomass and alters community profiles in soil aggregates
BL Helgason, FL Walley, JJ Germida
Applied Soil Ecology 46 (3), 390-397, 2010
Fungal and bacterial abundance in long‐term no‐till and intensive‐till soils of the Northern Great Plains
BL Helgason, FL Walley, JJ Germida
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (1), 120-127, 2009
Legacy effects of soil moisture on microbial community structure and N2O emissions
S Banerjee, B Helgason, L Wang, T Winsley, BC Ferrari, SD Siciliano
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 95, 40-50, 2016
Climate, carbon content, and soil texture control the independent formation and persistence of particulate and mineral-associated organic matter in soil
ML Haddix, EG Gregorich, BL Helgason, H Janzen, BH Ellert, MF Cotrufo
Geoderma 363, 114160, 2020
Long-term no-till management affects microbial biomass but not community composition in Canadian prairie agroecosytems
BL Helgason, FL Walley, JJ Germida
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (12), 2192-2202, 2010
Toward Improved Coefficients for Predicting Direct N2O Emissions from Soil in Canadian Agroecosystems
BL Helgason, HH Janzen, MH Chantigny, CF Drury, BH Ellert, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 72, 87-99, 2005
Litter decay controlled by temperature, not soil properties, affecting future soil carbon
EG Gregorich, H Janzen, BH Ellert, BL Helgason, B Qian, BJ Zebarth, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (4), 1725-1734, 2017
A proposed approach to estimate and reduce net greenhouse gas emissions from whole farms
HH Janzen, DA Angers, M Boehm, M Bolinder, RL Desjardins, J Dyer, ...
Canadian journal of soil science 86 (3), 401-418, 2006
Microbial crop residue decomposition dynamics in organic and conventionally managed soils
MM Arcand, BL Helgason, RL Lemke
Applied Soil Ecology 107, 347-359, 2016
Predicting phosphorus availability from soil‐applied composted and non‐composted cattle feedlot manure
F Zvomuya, BL Helgason, FJ Larney, HH Janzen, OO Akinremi, BM Olson
Journal of environmental quality 35 (3), 928-937, 2006
Structural equation modeling of a winnowed soil microbiome identifies how invasive plants re-structure microbial networks
SD Mamet, E Redlick, M Brabant, EG Lamb, BL Helgason, K Stanley, ...
The ISME Journal 13 (8), 1988-1996, 2019
Long-term microbial retention of residue C is site-specific and depends on residue placement
BL Helgason, EG Gregorich, HH Janzen, BH Ellert, N Lorenz, RP Dick
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 231-240, 2014
Core and Differentially Abundant Bacterial Taxa in the Rhizosphere of Field Grown Brassica napus Genotypes: Implications for Canola Breeding
ZM Taye, BL Helgason, JK Bell, CE Norris, S Vail, SJ Robinson, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 3007, 2020
Nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with composted cattle manure
BL Helgason, FJ Larney, HH Janzen, BM Olson
Canadian journal of soil science 87 (1), 43-50, 2007
Resource legacies of organic and conventional management differentiate soil microbial carbon use
MM Arcand, DJ Levy-Booth, BL Helgason
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 2293, 2017
Microbial distribution in an eroded landscape: Buried A horizons support abundant and unique communities
BL Helgason, HJ Konschuh, A Bedard-Haughn, AJ VandenBygaart
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 196, 94-102, 2014
Cropland C erosion and burial: Is buried soil organic matter biodegradable?
AJ VandenBygaart, EG Gregorich, BL Helgason
Geoderma 239, 240-249, 2015
Nitrogenous gas emissions from soils and greenhouse gas effects
E Gregorich, HH Janzen, B Helgason, B Ellert
Advances in agronomy 132, 39-74, 2015
Litter composition has stronger influence on the structure of soil fungal than bacterial communities
JZ Habtewold, BL Helgason, SF Yanni, HH Janzen, BH Ellert, ...
European Journal of Soil Biology 98, 103190, 2020
Crop, genotype, and field environmental conditions shape bacterial and fungal seed epiphytic microbiomes
ZP Morales Moreira, BL Helgason, JJ Germida
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 67 (2), 161-173, 2021
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Articles 1–20