Christine Thurlow Brenner
Cited by
Cited by
Structures and Strategies of Immigrant Integration: Evidence from Local Governments in the New Latino Destinations of the United States.
CT Brenner
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy 15 (1), 2009
Latina administrators in local government: The interplay of role orientation and policy intentions
C Thurlow Brenner
Administration & Society 40 (8), 825-851, 2009
Effective best practices for school boards: Linking local governance with student academic success
CT Brenner, GL Sullivan, E Dalton
Retrieved December 27, 2011, 2002
Texas open-enrollment charter schools: Year one evaluation
D Taebel, EJ Barrett, CT Brenner, F Kemerer, C Ausbrooks, C Clark, ...
Austin: State Board of Education, 1997
Assessment of small business perception of needed information and assistance
M Young, SM Wyman, CT Brenner
Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship 11 (1), 99-105, 1999
Needed information and assistance for women entrepreneurs: A comparison with male small business owners
M Young, C Brenner
Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship 12 (1), 1-10, 2000
Illegal immigrants in US-Mexico border counties: Costs of law enforcement, criminal justice, and emergency medical services
TJ Salant, AL Hover, C Hench, C Brenner, N Rubaii-Barrett, JR Weeks
US Departmentof Justice: NCJRS, 2001
The US Census 2000 and “colonias” along the US-Mexico border: An anthropological approach
CT Brenner, I Coronado, DL Soden
Dígame! Policy and politics on the Texas border, 275-293, 2003
Higher education engages with community: New policies and inevitable political complexities
K Staudt, CT Brenner
Paper presented on COMMORG: The OnLine Conference on Community Organizing …, 2002
Educational trends and income in El Paso: A longitudinal perspective
CT Brenner
Institute for Policy and Economic Development, University of Texas at El Paso, 2001
The Role of Comparative Analysis in Borderlands Studies
CT Brenner
Relocating Borders: a comparative approach Second EastBordNet Conference, 1-20, 2013
Illegal Immigrants in US/Mexico Border Counties: The Costs of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Medical Services (Executive Summary). US/Mexico Border Counties …
TJ Salant, C Brenner, N Rubaii-Barrett, JR Weeks
Privatizing public education: The Texas experience
DA Taebel, CT Brenner
Institute of Urban Studies, 1994
Nuevos residentes and local government language accessibility
CT Brenner
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy 12, 29-55, 2006
Plyler Children: 21st Century Challenges with Judicial-Policy Implementation Affecting Immigrant Children in New Jersey
CT Brenner, KA Leach, D Tulloch
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy 20 (1), 6, 2014
Punctuated Equilbrium and Immigration: A View from the States
CT Brenner
APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, 2009
Privatization of noninstructional services in school districts in Texas: The impact of district economic health, urbanization, and political and administrative stability
CT Brenner
The University of Texas at Arlington, 1999
6. Immigrants and the Obama Urban Policies
CT Brenner
Urban Policy in the Time of Obama 26, 2016
Punctuated equilibrium and immigration: The executive order states.
CT Brenner
Journal of Public Management and Social Policy. 17 (2), 25-47, 2011
Mujeres y trabajo: la participación de la mujer
CT Brenner, I Coronado
Juntos pero no revueltos estudios sobre la frontera Texas-Chihuahua, 155, 2006
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Articles 1–20