Rongming Lin
Cited by
Cited by
Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis
NMM Maia, JMM Silva, J He, NAJ Lieven, RM Lin, GW Skingle, WM To, ...
Research Studies Press, 1997
Structural damage detection using measured FRF data
Z Wang, RM Lin, MK Lim
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 147 (1-2), 187-197, 1997
Application of generalized differential quadrature method to structural problems
H Du, MK Lim, RM Lin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 37 (11), 1881-1896, 1994
Analytical model improvement using frequency response functions
RM Lin, DJ Ewins
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 8 (4), 437-458, 1994
Model updating using FRF data
RM Lin, DJ Ewins
15th International Seminar on Modal Analysis, 1990
Structural dynamics of microsystems—current state of research and future directions
RM Lin, WJ Wang
Mechanical systems and signal processing 20 (5), 1015-1043, 2006
Model updating of damped structures using FRF data
RM Lin, J Zhu
Mechanical systems and signal processing 20 (8), 2200-2218, 2006
Improved inverse eigensensitivity method for structural analytical model updating
RM Lin, MK Lim, H Du
Contribution of nonlocality to surface elasticity
L Li, R Lin, TY Ng
International Journal of Engineering Science 152, 103311, 2020
Application of generalized differential quadrature to vibration analysis
H Du, MK Lim, RM Lin
Journal of Sound and Vibration 181 (2), 279-293, 1995
Frequency selection method for FRF-based model updating
KS Kwon, RM Lin
Journal of Sound and Vibration 278 (1-2), 285-306, 2004
A review on low dimensional carbon desalination and gas separation membrane designs
EYM Ang, W Toh, J Yeo, R Lin, Z Liu, KR Geethalakshmi, TY Ng
Journal of Membrane Science 598, 117785, 2020
Improvement on the iterated IRS method for structural eigensolutions
Y Xia, R Lin
Journal of sound and vibration 270 (4-5), 713-727, 2004
A state-of-the-art review on theory and engineering applications of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives
RM Lin, JE Mottershead, TY Ng
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 138, 106536, 2020
Numerical investigations on an improved counterflow double-channel micro combustor fueled with hydrogen for enhancing thermal performance
W Zuo, E Jiaqiang, R Lin
Energy Conversion and Management 159, 163-174, 2018
Modeling of interfacial friction damping of carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites
RM Lin, C Lu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 24 (8), 2996-3012, 2010
Design considerations in micromachined silicon microphones
J Miao, R Lin, L Chen, Q Zou, SY Lim, SH Seah
Microelectronics Journal 33 (1-2), 21-28, 2002
Robust finite element model updating using Taguchi method
KS Kwon, RM Lin
Journal of sound and vibration 280 (1-2), 77-99, 2005
Sensitivity-improved silicon condenser microphone with a novel single deeply corrugated diaphragm
X Li, R Lin, H Kek, J Miao, Q Zou
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 92 (1-3), 257-262, 2001
A new iterative order reduction (IOR) method for eigensolutions of large structures
Y Xia, R Lin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (1), 153-172, 2004
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Articles 1–20