Richard a Maki
Richard a Maki
sanford burnham prebys medical discovery institute
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Turning blood into brain: cells bearing neuronal antigens generated in vivo from bone marrow
E Mezey, KJ Chandross, G Harta, RA Maki, SR McKercher
Science 290 (5497), 1779-1782, 2000
A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains
C Peyron, J Faraco, W Rogers, B Ripley, S Overeem, Y Charnay, ...
Nature medicine 6 (9), 991-997, 2000
Targeted disruption of the PU. 1 gene results in multiple hematopoietic abnormalities.
SR McKercher, BE Torbett, KL Anderson, GW Henkel, DJ Vestal, ...
The EMBO journal 15 (20), 5647-5658, 1996
The macrophage and B cell-specific transcription factor PU. 1 is related to the ets oncogene
MJ Klemsz, SR McKercher, A Celada, C Van Beveren, RA Maki
Cell 61 (1), 113-124, 1990
Two types of somatic recombination are necessary for the generation of complete immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes
H Sakano, R Maki, Y Kurosawa, W Roeder, S Tonegawa
Nature 286 (5774), 676-683, 1980
Quantitative analysis of cytokine gene expression in rheumatoid arthritis.
GS Firestein, JM Alvaro-Gracia, R Maki, JM Alvaro-Garcia
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 144 (9), 3347-3353, 1990
The ETS-domain: a new DNA-binding motif that recognizes a purine-rich core DNA sequence.
FD Karim, LD Urness, CS Thummel, MJ Klemsz, SR McKercher, A Celada, ...
Genes & development 4 (9), 1451-1453, 1990
Ras-mediated phosphorylation of a conserved threonine residue enhances the transactivation activities of c-Ets1 and c-Ets2
BS Yang, CA Hauser, G Henkel, MS Colman, CV Beveren, KJ Stacey, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 16 (2), 538-547, 1996
PU. 1 recruits a second nuclear factor to a site important for immunoglobulin κ 3'enhancer activity
JMR Pongubala, S Nagulapalli, MJ Klemsz, SR Mckercher, RA Maki, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 12 (1), 368-378, 1992
A new pattern for helix–turn–helix recognition revealed by the PU. l ETS–domain–DNA complex
R Kodandapani, F Pio, CZ Ni, G Piccialli, M Klemsz, S McKercher, ...
Nature 380 (6573), 456-460, 1996
The proto-oncogene PU. 1 regulates expression of the myeloid-specific CD11b promoter.
HL Pahl, RJ Scheibe, DE Zhang, HM Chen, DL Galson, RA Maki, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (7), 5014-5020, 1993
Characterization of fractalkine in rat brain cells: migratory and activation signals for CX3CR-1-expressing microglia
D Maciejewski-Lenoir, S Chen, L Feng, R Maki, KB Bacon
The Journal of Immunology 163 (3), 1628-1635, 1999
Myeloperoxidase polymorphism is associated with gender specific risk for Alzheimer's disease
WF Reynolds, J Rhees, D Maciejewski, T Paladino, H Sieburg, RA Maki, ...
Experimental neurology 155 (1), 31-41, 1999
Defective trophoblast function in mice with a targeted mutation of Ets2
H Yamamoto, ML Flannery, S Kupriyanov, J Pearce, SR McKercher, ...
Genes & development 12 (9), 1315-1326, 1998
Domains and the hinge region of an immunoglobulin heavy chain are encoded in separate DNA segments
H Sakano, JH Rogers, K Hüppi, C Brack, A Traunecker, R Maki, R Wall, ...
Nature 277 (5698), 627-633, 1979
The role of DNA rearrangement and alternative RNA processing in the expression of immunoglobulin delta genes
R Maki, W Roeder, A Traunecker, C Sidman, M Wabl, W Raschke, ...
Cell 24 (2), 353-365, 1981
Effect of PU. 1 phosphorylation on interaction with NF-EM5 and transcriptional activation
JMR Pongubala, C Van Beveren, S Nagulapalli, MJ Klemsz, ...
Science 259 (5101), 1622-1625, 1993
Human endometriosis is associated with plasma cells and overexpression of B lymphocyte stimulator
A Hever, RB Roth, P Hevezi, ME Marin, JA Acosta, H Acosta, J Rojas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (30), 12451-12456, 2007
Hematopoietic lineage-and stage-restricted expression of the ETS oncogene family member PU. 1
R Hromas, A Orazi, RS Neiman, R Maki, C Van Beveran, J Moore, ...
Selective chemokine mRNA accumulation in the rat spinal cord after contusion injury
DM McTigue, M Tani, K Krivacic, A Chernosky, GS Kelner, D Maciejewski, ...
Journal of neuroscience research 53 (3), 368-376, 1998
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Articles 1–20