Kamran Turkoglu
Kamran Turkoglu
American Public University System
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PID parameter optimization of an UAV longitudinal flight control system
K Turkoglu, U Ozdemir, M Nikbay, E Jafarov
International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering 2 (9 …, 2008
Aerodynamic modeling of NREL 5-MW wind Turbine for nonlinear control system design: A case study based on real-time nonlinear receding horizon control
PA Galvani, F Sun, K Turkoglu
Aerospace 3 (3), 27, 2016
Hinf loop shaping robust control vs. classical PI (D) control: A case study on the longitudinal dynamics of hezarfen UAV
K Turkoglu, EM Jafarov
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems …, 2006
Distributed real-time non-linear receding horizon control methodology for multi-agent consensus problems
F Sun, K Turkoglu
Aerospace Science and Technology 63, 82-90, 2017
Nonlinear consensus strategies for multi-agent networks under switching topologies: Real-time receding horizon approach
F Sun, K Turkoglu
Aerospace Science and Technology 87, 323-330, 2019
Augmented optimal LQR control system design for the longitudinal flight dynamics of an UAV: Inner and outer loop concepts
K Turkoglu, EM Jafarov
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control …, 2007
Optimal Trajectory Determination and Mission Design for Asteroid/Deep‐Space Exploration via Multibody Gravity Assist Maneuvers
S Fritz, K Turkoglu
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2017 (1), 6801023, 2017
Adaptive differential thrust methodology for lateral/directional stability of an aircraft with a completely damaged vertical stabilizer
LK Lu, K Turkoglu
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2018 (1), 8654031, 2018
Investigation the modes of Hezarfen UAV and automatic control systems design
K Turkoglu
B. Sc. Graduation Thesis in Istanbul, Tech. Univ., Faculty of Aeronautics …, 2006
Development of a low-cost experimental quadcopter testbed using an arduino controller for video surveillance
K Turkoglu, A Ji
AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, 0716, 2015
Real-Time Insitu Strategies for Enhancing UAV Endurance by Utilizing Wind Energy
K Turkoglu, YJ Zhao
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2009-5910, 2009
H Loop-Shaping Robust Differential Thrust Control Methodology for Lateral/Directional Stability of an Aircraft with a Damaged Vertical Stabilizer
LK Lu, K Turkoglu
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 1624, 2016
Lateral Dynamic Modeling of Hezarfen Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and H Loop Shaping Robust Control System Design
K Turkoglu, EM Jafarov
Proceeding of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Systems …, 2006
IEEE access special section editorial: Recent developments in consensus problems for complex networked systems
Y Shang, D Li, Z Peng, A Heydari, K Turkoglu, J Thunberg
IEEE Access 6, 60993-60995, 2018
Statistics based modeling of wind speed and wind direction in real time optimal guidance strategies via Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic processes
K Turkoglu
Reinforcement Learning Based Continuous-Time On-line Spacecraft Dynamics Control: Case Study of NASA SPHERES Spacecraft
K Turkoglu, F Sun
2018 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 0859, 2018
Arduino based low-cost experimental unmanned aerial flight system for attitude determination in autonomous flights
JE Rico, K Turkoglu
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 0946, 2016
Development of a low-cost experimental quadcopter testbed using an arduino controller and software
A Ji, K Turkoglu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04886, 2015
Real-Time Strategies for Enhancing Aircraft Performance in Wind
K Turkoglu
Robust Control for Multiple Time Delay MIMO Systems with Delay-Decouplability Concept
K Turkoglu, N Olgac
Topics in Time Delay Systems: Analysis, Algorithms and Control, 37-47, 2009
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Articles 1–20