Javier Munoz
Cited by
Cited by
Design of a discrete-time linear control strategy for a multicell UPQC
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, LA Morán, EE Espinosa, PE Melin, ...
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (10), 3797-3807, 2011
FPGA v/s DSP performance comparison for a VSC-based STATCOM control application
CA Sepúlveda, JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, ME Figueroa, CR Baier
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (3), 1351-1360, 2012
All-on-chip dq-frame based D-STATCOM control implementation in a low-cost FPGA
CA Sepulveda, JA Munoz, JR Espinoza, ME Figueroa, PE Melin
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (2), 659-669, 2012
Design of a modular UPQC configuration integrating a components economical analysis
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, LA Moran, CR Baier
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 24 (4), 1763-1772, 2009
A modulated model predictive control scheme for a two-level voltage source inverter
M Rivera, F Morales, C Baier, J Munoz, L Tarisciotti, P Zanchetta, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2224-2229, 2015
Digital implementation of selective harmonic elimination techniques in modular current source rectifiers
JI Guzman, PE Melin, JR Espinoza, LA Moran, CR Baier, JA Munoz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (2), 1167-1177, 2012
A new modulation method for a 13-level asymmetric inverter toward minimum THD
EE Espinosa, JR Espinoza, PE Melín, RO Ramírez, F Villarroel, JA Muñoz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (3), 1924-1933, 2013
Predictive control for microgrid applications: A review study
A Villalón, M Rivera, Y Salgueiro, J Muñoz, T Dragičević, F Blaabjerg
Energies 13 (10), 2454, 2020
Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter
M Rivera, C Rojas, A Wilson, J Rodriguez, J Espinoza, C Baier, J Muñoz
IET Power Electronics 7 (4), 886-894, 2014
Analysis, design and control of a unified power-quality conditioner based on a current-source topology
PE Melín, JR Espinoza, LA Morán, JR Rodriguez, VM Cardenas, ...
IEEE transactions on power delivery 27 (4), 1727-1736, 2012
Decoupled and modular harmonic compensation for multilevel STATCOMs
JA Muñoz, JR Espinoza, CR Baier, LA Morán, JI Guzmán, VM Cárdenas
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (6), 2743-2753, 2013
Model predictive control for power converters in a distorted three-phase power supply
JA Rohten, JR Espinoza, JA Muñoz, MA Pérez, PE Melin, JJ Silva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5838-5848, 2016
Improving power quality in cascade multilevel converters based on single-phase nonregenerative power cells
CR Baier, JR Espinoza, M Rivera, JA Muñoz, B Wu, PE Melín, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (9), 4498-4509, 2013
A review of control techniques in photovoltaic systems
D Murillo-Yarce, J Alarcón-Alarcón, M Rivera, C Restrepo, J Muñoz, ...
Sustainability 12 (24), 10598, 2020
Analysis and design of a control strategy for tracking sinusoidal references in single-phase grid-connected current-source inverters
CR Baier, MA Torres, P Acuna, JA Muñoz, PE Melín, C Restrepo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (1), 819-832, 2017
Enhanced predictive control for a wide time-variant frequency environment
JA Rohten, JR Espinoza, JA Munoz, DG Sbarbaro, MA Perez, PE Melin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5827-5837, 2016
Asymmetric multilevel topology for photovoltaic energy injection to microgrids
J Muñoz, P Gaisse, C Baier, M Rivera, R Gregor, P Zanchetta
2016 IEEE 17th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics …, 2016
DC link voltage unbalance control in three-phase UPQCs based on NPC topologies
IA Rubilar, JR Espinoza, JA Muñoz, LA Morán
2007 IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting, 597-602, 2007
An integrated controllable network transformer—Hybrid active filter system
D Das, RP Kandula, JA Muñoz, D Divan, RG Harley, JE Schatz
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (2), 1692-1701, 2014
An MPPT strategy based on a surface-based polynomial fitting for solar photovoltaic systems using real-time hardware
C González-Castaño, LL Lorente-Leyva, J Muñoz, C Restrepo, ...
Electronics 10 (2), 206, 2021
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Articles 1–20