Articles with public access mandates - Richard S SmithLearn more
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Support vector machine and artificial neural network modelling of orogenic gold prospectivity mapping in the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada
F Maepa, RS Smith, A Tessema
Ore Geology Reviews 130, 103968, 2021
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
Using constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field to produce a 3D litho‐prediction model
O Mahmoodi, RS Smith, B Spicer
Geophysical Prospecting 65 (6), 1662-1679, 2017
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Crustal-scale geology and fault geometry along the gold-endowed Matheson transect of the Abitibi greenstone belt
R Haugaard, FD Justina, E Roots, S Cheraghi, R Vayavur, G Hill, ...
Economic Geology 116 (5), 1053-1072, 2021
Mandates: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
Clustering of downhole physical property measurements at the Victoria property, Sudbury for the purpose of extracting lithological information
O Mahmoodi, R Smith
Journal of Applied Geophysics 118, 145-154, 2015
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Examining the controls on gold deposit distribution in the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada, using multi-scale methods of spatial data analysis
FM Maepa, RS Smith
Ore Geology Reviews 125, 103671, 2020
Mandates: International Development Research Centre, Canada
Contrast source inversion (CSI) for cross-hole radio imaging (RIM) data–Part 1: Theory and synthetic studies
Y Li, RS Smith
Journal of Applied Geophysics 161, 45-55, 2019
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Contrast source inversion (CSI) method to cross-hole radio-imaging (RIM) data-Part 2: A complex synthetic example and a case study
Y Li, RS Smith
Journal of Applied Geophysics 150, 93-100, 2018
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
2D forward gravity and magnetic modeling of the Porcupine assemblage, Matheson area
F Della Justina, R Smith
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 999-1003, 2020
Mandates: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
Evidence of magmatism and rifting in the southern superior craton from the Temagami geophysical anomaly
AQ Adetunji, IJ Ferguson, R Vayavur, S Cheraghi, M Naghizadeh, ...
Precambrian Research 362, 106310, 2021
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Density and magnetic susceptibility of major rock types within the Abitibi greenstone belt: a compilation with examples of its use in constraining inversion
E Eshaghi, R Vayavur, RS Smith, C Mancuso, F Della Justina, J Ayer
Exploration Geophysics 54 (6), 647-669, 2023
Mandates: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
High‐resolution 2.5 D multifocusing imaging of a crooked seismic profile in a crystalline rock environment: Results from the Larder Lake area, Ontario, Canada
HJA Fam, M Naghizadeh, R Smith, O Yilmaz, S Cheraghi, K Rubingh
Geophysical Prospecting 71 (7 Special Issue: Mineral Exploration and Mining …, 2023
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
How magnetic susceptibilities measured on outcrops can be used for modelling (and constraining inversions of) aeromagnetic data
W McNeice, RS Smith, E Eshaghi
Exploration Geophysics 54 (2), 189-204, 2023
Mandates: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
3D generalized spherical multifocusing seismic imaging
H Jodeiri Akbari Fam, M Naghizadeh, O Yilmaz, R Smith
Geophysics 88 (1), T13-T31, 2023
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada First …
Open-source software for two-dimensional Fourier processing of gridded magnetic data
RS Smith, EA Roots, D Rainsford
The Leading Edge 41 (7), 454-461, 2022
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
A new method for aeromagnetic data interpolation with a focus on linear features
T Naprstek, R Smith
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2016-13866623, 2016
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
A novel imaging method for crosshole radio imaging (RIM) data: Complex permittivity inversion
Y Li, R Smith
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2016-13453513, 2016
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Modeling radio imaging (RIM) data with the Comsol RF module
Y Li, R Smith
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2015-5816603, 2015
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Available somewhere: 35
Supervised classification of down-hole physical properties measurements using neural network to predict the lithology
O Mahmoodi, RS Smith, DK Tinkham
Journal of Applied Geophysics 124, 17-26, 2016
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
On Archean craton growth and stabilisation: Insights from lithospheric resistivity structure of the Superior Province
GJ Hill, EA Roots, BM Frieman, R Haugaard, JA Craven, RS Smith, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 562, 116853, 2021
Mandates: European Commission, Canada First Research Excellence Fund
Integrated multi-parameter exploration footprints of the Canadian malartic disseminated Au, McArthur river-millennium unconformity U, and Highland Valley Porphyry Cu Deposits …
M Lesher, M Hannington, A Galley, K Ansdell, T Astic, N Banerjee, ...
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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