Miguel A Goni
Miguel A Goni
College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
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Terrestrial organic carbon contributions to sediments on the Washington margin
FG Prahl, JR Ertel, MA Goñi, MA Sparrow, B Eversmeyer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (14), 3035-3048, 1994
A reassessment of the sources and importance of land-derived organic matter in surface sediments from the Gulf of Mexico
MA Goñi, KC Ruttenberg, TI Eglinton
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (18), 3055-3075, 1998
Sources and distribution of organic matter in a river-dominated estuary (Winyah Bay, SC, USA)
MA Goñi, MJ Teixeira, DW Perkey
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (5-6), 1023-1048, 2003
Sources and contribution of terrigenous organic carbon to surface sediments in the Gulf of Mexico
MA Goñi, KC Ruttenberg, TI Eglinton
Nature 389 (6648), 275-278, 1997
Phosphorus distribution, C: N: P ratios, and δ13Coc in arctic, temperate, and tropical coastal sediments: tools for characterizing bulk sedimentary organic matter
KC Ruttenberg, MA Goni
Marine Geology 139 (1-4), 123-145, 1997
Sources and distribution of terrigenous organic matter delivered by the Atchafalaya River to sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico
ES Gordon, MA Goñi
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (13), 2359-2375, 2003
Distribution and sources of organic biomarkers in arctic sediments from the Mackenzie River and Beaufort Shelf
MA Goñi, MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, TI Eglinton
Marine Chemistry 71 (1-2), 23-51, 2000
Lignin dimers: Structures, distribution, and potential geochemical applications
MA Goñi, JI Hedges
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (11), 4025-4043, 1992
The supply and preservation of ancient and modern components of organic carbon in the Canadian Beaufort Shelf of the Arctic Ocean
MA Goñi, MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, TI Eglinton
Marine Chemistry 93 (1), 53-73, 2005
Development and reworking of a seasonal flood deposit on the inner continental shelf off the Atchafalaya River
MA Allison, GC Kineke, ES Gordon, MA Goni
Continental Shelf Research 20 (16), 2267-2294, 2000
Alkaline CuO oxidation with a microwave digestion system: Lignin analyses of geochemical samples
MA Goñi, S Montgomery
Analytical chemistry 72 (14), 3116-3121, 2000
Tannin diagenesis in mangrove leaves from a tropical estuary: a novel molecular approach
PJ Hernes, R Benner, GL Cowie, MA GOni, BA Bergamaschi, JI Hedges
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (18), 3109-3122, 2001
Sources and reactivities of marine-derived organic matter in coastal sediments as determined by alkaline CuO oxidation
MA Goñi, JI Hedges
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 (14), 2965-2981, 1995
Representing the function and sensitivity of coastal interfaces in Earth system models
ND Ward, JP Megonigal, B Bond-Lamberty, VL Bailey, D Butman, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2458, 2020
Fungal degradation of wood lignins: geochemical perspectives from CuO-derived phenolic dimers and monomers
MA Goñi, B Nelson, RA Blanchette, JI Hedges
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57 (16), 3985-4002, 1993
Controls on the distribution and accumulation of terrigenous organic matter in sediments from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya river margin
ES Gordon, MA Goñi
Marine Chemistry 92 (1-4), 331-352, 2004
Potential applications of cutin-derived CuO reaction products for discriminating vascular plant sources in natural environments
MA Goñi, JI Hedges
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54 (11), 3073-3081, 1990
Organic matter origin and distribution in suspended particulate materials and surficial sediments from the western Adriatic Sea (Italy)
T Tesi, S Miserocchi, MA Goni, L Langone, A Boldrin, M Turchetto
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (3-4), 431-446, 2007
Characterization of a highly resistant biomacromolecular material in the cell wall of a marine dinoflagellate resting cyst
JP Kokinos, TI Eglinton, MA Goñi, JJ Boon, PA Martoglio, DM Anderson
Organic Geochemistry 28 (5), 265-288, 1998
Sources and transformations of organic matter in surface soils and sediments from a tidal estuary (North Inlet, South Carolina, USA)
MA Goñi, KA Thomas
Estuaries 23, 548-564, 2000
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Articles 1–20