Pratyusha Tummala-Narra
Pratyusha Tummala-Narra
Professor of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology
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A theoretical framework for understanding help‐seeking processes among survivors of intimate partner violence
B Liang, L Goodman, P Tummala-Narra, S Weintraub
American journal of community psychology 36 (1-2), 71-84, 2005
Conceptualizing trauma and resilience across diverse contexts: A multicultural perspective
P Tummala-Narra
Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma 14 (1-2), 33-53, 2007
APA Multicultural Guidelines executive summary: Ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality.
CS Clauss-Ehlers, DA Chiriboga, SJ Hunter, G Roysircar, ...
American Psychologist 74 (2), 232, 2019
Perceived discrimination, acculturative stress, and depression among South Asians: Mixed findings.
P Tummala-Narra, M Alegria, CN Chen
Asian American Journal of Psychology 3 (1), 3, 2012
Perceived discrimination and depressive symptoms among immigrant-origin adolescents.
P Tummala-Narra, M Claudius
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 19 (3), 257, 2013
Mothering in a foreign land
P Tummala-Narra
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 64, 167-182, 2004
Skin color and the therapeutic relationship.
P Tummala-Narra
Psychoanalytic Psychology 24 (2), 255, 2007
A qualitative examination of Muslim graduate international students' experiences in the United States
P Tummala-Narra, M Claudius
International Perspectives in Psychology 2 (2), 132-147, 2013
Psychoanalytic theory and cultural competence in psychotherapy.
P Tummala-Narra
American Psychological Association, 2016
Cultural competence as a core emphasis of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
P Tummala-Narra
Psychoanalytic Psychology 32 (2), 275, 2015
Contemporary psychoanalytic views on the experience of immigration.
RC Ainslie, P Tummala-Narra, A Harlem, L Barbanel, R Ruth
Psychoanalytic psychology 30 (4), 663, 2013
Asian Indians' responses to discrimination: A mixed-method examination of identity, coping, and self-esteem.
P Tummala-Narra, AG Inman, SP Ettigi
Asian American Journal of Psychology 2 (3), 205, 2011
Dynamics of Race and Culture in the Supervisory Encounter.
P Tummala-Narra
Psychoanalytic Psychology 21 (2), 300, 2004
Cultural oppression and human trafficking: Exploring the role of racism and ethnic bias
T Bryant-Davis, P Tummala-Narra
Women & Therapy 40 (1-2), 152-169, 2017
South Asian adolescents’ experiences of acculturative stress and coping.
P Tummala-Narra, A Deshpande, J Kaur
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 86 (2), 194, 2016
Psychotherapy with refugees: Emerging paradigm
IA Kira, P Tummala-Narra
Journal of Loss and Trauma 20 (5), 449-467, 2015
A multidimensional approach to the assessment of trauma impact, recovery and resiliency: Initial psychometric findings
MR Harvey, B Liang, PA Harney, K Koenen, P Tummala-Narra, ...
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 6 (2), 87-109, 2003
Relational experiences of complex trauma survivors in treatment: Preliminary findings from a naturalistic study.
P Tummala-Narra, D Kallivayalil, R Singer, R Andreini
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 4 (6), 640, 2012
Contemporary impingements on mothering
P Tummala-Narra
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 69 (1), 4-21, 2009
Cultural identity in the context of trauma and immigration from a psychoanalytic perspective.
P Tummala-Narra
Psychoanalytic Psychology 31 (3), 396, 2014
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Articles 1–20