Sven Zenker
Sven Zenker
Physician/Scientist/Administrator, University Hospital Bonn/University of Bonn
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Use of non-invasive NIRS during a vascular occlusion test to assess dynamic tissue O2 saturation response
H Gómez, A Torres, P Polanco, HK Kim, S Zenker, JC Puyana, MR Pinsky
Intensive care medicine 34, 1600-1607, 2008
Smart medical information technology for healthcare (SMITH)
A Winter, S Stäubert, D Ammon, S Aiche, O Beyan, V Bischoff, P Daumke, ...
Methods of information in medicine 57 (S 01), e92-e105, 2018
From inverse problems in mathematical physiology to quantitative differential diagnoses
S Zenker, J Rubin, G Clermont
PLoS computational biology 3 (11), e204, 2007
Data protection-compliant broad consent for secondary use of health care data and human biosamples for (bio) medical research: Towards a new German national standard
S Zenker, D Strech, K Ihrig, R Jahns, G Müller, C Schickhardt, G Schmidt, ...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 131, 104096, 2022
An adequately robust early TNF-α response is a hallmark of survival following trauma/hemorrhage
R Namas, A Ghuma, A Torres, P Polanco, H Gomez, D Barclay, L Gordon, ...
PloS one 4 (12), e8406, 2009
The inverse problem in mathematical biology
G Clermont, S Zenker
Mathematical biosciences 260, 11-15, 2015
The COVID-19 data exchange platform of the German university medicine
HU Prokosch, T Bahls, M Bialke, J Eils, C Fegeler, J Gruendner, ...
Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health, 674-678, 2022
Growth hormone deficiency in pituitary disease: relationship to depression, apathy and somatic complaints
S Zenker, F Haverkamp, D Klingmüller
European journal of endocrinology 147 (2), 165-171, 2002
Towards a comprehensive and interoperable representation of consent-based data usage permissions in the German medical informatics initiative
R Bild, M Bialke, K Buckow, T Ganslandt, K Ihrig, R Jahns, A Merzweiler, ...
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20, 1-9, 2020
Physiologic responses to severe hemorrhagic shock and the genesis of cardiovascular collapse: can irreversibility be anticipated?
H Gómez, J Mesquida, L Hermus, P Polanco, HK Kim, S Zenker, A Torres, ...
Journal of Surgical Research 178 (1), 358-369, 2012
Accuracy of the non-invasive Tcore™ temperature monitoring system to measure body core temperature in abdominal surgery
M Soehle, H Dehne, A Hoeft, S Zenker
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 34, 1361-1367, 2020
Algorithmic surveillance of ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ASIC): protocol for a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement strategy
G Marx, J Bickenbach, SJ Fritsch, JB Kunze, O Maassen, S Deffge, ...
BMJ open 11 (4), e045589, 2021
Peristaltic pneumatic compression of the legs reduces fluid demand and improves hemodynamic stability during surgery: A randomized, prospective study.
N Kiefer, J Theis, G Putensen-Himmer, A Hoeft, S Zenker
Anesthesiology 114 (3), 536-544, 2011
Parallel particle filters for online identification of mechanistic mathematical models of physiology from monitoring data: performance and real-time scalability in simulation …
S Zenker
Journal of clinical monitoring and computing 24, 319-333, 2010
On the importance of the Jacobian determinant in parameter inference for random parameter and random measurement error models
D Swigon, SR Stanhope, S Zenker, JE Rubin
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 7 (3), 975-1006, 2019
Using mathematical models to improve the utility of quantitative ICU data
S Zenker, G Clermont, MR Pinsky
Intensive Care Medicine: Annual Update 2007, 479-492, 2007
Evaluation of a paper-based checklist versus an electronic handover tool based on the situation background assessment recommendation (SBAR) concept in patients after surgery …
C Rehm, R Zoller, A Schenk, N Müller, N Strassberger-Nerschbach, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (24), 5724, 2021
Wissenschaftliches Gutachten „Datenspende “–Bedarf für die Forschung, ethische Bewertung, rechtliche, informationstechnologische und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen
D Strech, S von Kielmansegg, S Zenker, M Krawczak, SC Semler
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Mar 30, 2020
Datenspende–Bedarf für die Forschung, ethische Bewertung, rechtliche, informationstechnologische und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen. Wissenschaftliches Gutachten für das …
D Strech, S Graf von Kielmansegg, S Zenker, M Krawczak, SC Semler
Integrating heterogeneous data sources for cross-institutional data sharing: requirements elicitation and management in SMITH
K Tahar, C Müller, A Dürschmid, S Haferkamp, K Saleh, P Jürs, S Stäubert, ...
MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1785-1786, 2019
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Articles 1–20