Igor V. Vernik
Cited by
Cited by
Ferromagnetic Josephson switching device with high characteristic voltage
TI Larkin, VV Bol’ginov, VS Stolyarov, VV Ryazanov, IV Vernik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (22), 2012
Magnetic Josephson junctions with superconducting interlayer for cryogenic memory
IV Vernik, VV Bol'ginov, SV Bakurskiy, AA Golubov, MY Kupriyanov, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 23 (3), 1701208-1701208, 2012
Superconductor digital-RF receiver systems
OA Mukhanov, D Kirichenko, IV Vernik, TV Filippov, A Kirichenko, ...
IEICE transactions on electronics 91 (3), 306-317, 2008
Magnetic Josephson junction technology for digital and memory applications
VV Ryazanov, VV Bol’ginov, DS Sobanin, IV Vernik, SK Tolpygo, ...
Physics Procedia 36, 35-41, 2012
20 GHz operation of an asynchronous wave-pipelined RSFQ arithmetic-logic unit
TV Filippov, A Sahu, AF Kirichenko, IV Vernik, M Dorojevets, CL Ayala, ...
Physics Procedia 36, 59-65, 2012
Digital channelizing radio frequency receiver
D Gupta, TV Filippov, AF Kirichenko, DE Kirichenko, IV Vernik, A Sahu, ...
IEEE Transactions on applied superconductivity 17 (2), 430-437, 2007
Theoretical model of superconducting spintronic SIsFS devices
SV Bakurskiy, NV Klenov, II Soloviev, VV Bol'Ginov, VV Ryazanov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (19), 2013
Modular, multi-function digital-RF receiver systems
D Gupta, DE Kirichenko, VV Dotsenko, R Miller, S Sarwana, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 21 (3), 883-890, 2010
Cryocooled wideband digital channelizing radio-frequency receiver based on low-pass ADC
IV Vernik, DE Kirichenko, VV Dotsenko, R Miller, RJ Webber, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 20 (11), S323, 2007
A superconductor high-resolution ADC
OA Mukhanov, VK Semenov, W Li, TV Filippov, D Gupta, AM Kadin, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 11 (1), 601-606, 2001
Superconducting devices with ferromagnetic barrier junctions
OA Mukhanov, AM Kadin, IP Nevirkovets, IV Vernik
US Patent 8,971,977, 2015
ERSFQ 8-bit parallel arithmetic logic unit
AF Kirichenko, IV Vernik, MY Kamkar, J Walter, M Miller, LR Albu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 29 (5), 1-7, 2019
High-resolution ADC operation up to 19.6 GHz clock frequency
OA Mukhanov, VK Semenov, IV Vernik, AM Kadin, TV Filippov, D Gupta, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (12), 1065, 2001
Superconducting high-resolution low-pass analog-to-digital converters
IV Vernik, DE Kirichenko, TV Filippov, A Talalaevskii, A Sahu, A Inamdar, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 17 (2), 442-445, 2007
Progress in design of improved high dynamic range analog-to-digital converters
A Inamdar, S Rylov, A Talalaevskii, A Sahu, S Sarwana, DE Kirichenko, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 19 (3), 670-675, 2009
Spin-transfer switching of orthogonal spin-valve devices at cryogenic temperatures
L Ye, DB Gopman, L Rehm, D Backes, G Wolf, T Ohki, AF Kirichenko, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (17), 2014
ERSFQ 8-bit parallel adders as a process benchmark
AF Kirichenko, IV Vernik, JA Vivalda, RT Hunt, DT Yohannes
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
System and method for cryogenic hybrid technology computing and memory
OA Mukhanov, AF Kirichenko, IV Vernik, IP Nevirkovets, AM Kadin
US Patent 9,520,180, 2016
RF assisted switching in magnetic Josephson junctions
R Caruso, D Massarotti, VV Bolginov, A Ben Hamida, LN Karelina, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (13), 2018
High-speed interchip data transmission technology for superconducting multi-chip modules
D Gupta, W Li, SB Kaplan, IV Vernik
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 11 (1), 731-734, 2001
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Articles 1–20