Carla Groenland
Cited by
Cited by
Probabilistic multileave for online retrieval evaluation
A Schuth, RJ Bruintjes, F Buüttner, J van Doorn, C Groenland, ...
Proceedings of the 38th international ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2015
Asymptotic dimension of minor-closed families and Assouad–Nagata dimension of surfaces
M Bonamy, N Bousquet, L Esperet, C Groenland, CH Liu, F Pirot, A Scott
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 26 (10), 3739-3791, 2023
Parameterized problems complete for nondeterministic FPT time and logarithmic space
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, J Nederlof, C Swennenhuis
Information and Computation 300, 105195, 2024
-colouring -free graphs in subexponential time
C Groenland, K Okrasa, P Rzążewski, A Scott, P Seymour, S Spirkl
Discrete Applied Mathematics 267, 184-189, 2019
Approximating pathwidth for graphs of small treewidth
C Groenland, G Joret, W Nadara, B Walczak
ACM transactions on algorithms 19 (2), 1-19, 2023
XNLP-completeness for parameterized problems on graphs with a linear structure
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, H Jacob, L Jaffke, PT Lima
Algorithmica, 1-42, 2024
On the complexity of problems on tree-structured graphs
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, H Jacob, M Pilipczuk, M Pilipczuk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11828, 2022
On the parameterized complexity of computing tree-partitions
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, H Jacob
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 26 (Discrete Algorithms), 2025
Parameterized complexities of dominating and independent set reconfiguration
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, CMF Swennenhuis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15907, 2021
Judgment aggregation under issue dependencies
M Costantini, C Groenland, U Endriss
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
Tight bounds for counting colorings and connected edge sets parameterized by cutwidth
C Groenland, J Nederlof, I Mannens, K Szilágyi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.02730, 2021
A tight local algorithm for the minimum dominating set problem in outerplanar graphs
M Bonamy, L Cook, C Groenland, A Wesolek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02697, 2021
Reconstructing trees from small cards
C Groenland, T Johnston, A Scott, J Tan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.13359, 2021
Optimal labelling schemes for adjacency, comparability, and reachability
M Bonamy, L Esperet, C Groenland, A Scott
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2021
Size reconstructibility of graphs
C Groenland, H Guggiari, A Scott
Journal of Graph Theory 96 (2), 326-337, 2021
Surfaces have (asymptotic) dimension 2
M Bonamy, N Bousquet, L Esperet, C Groenland, F Pirot, A Scott
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.03582, 2020
Exact hyperplane covers for subsets of the hypercube
J Aaronson, C Groenland, A Grzesik, T Johnston, B Kielak
Discrete Mathematics 344 (9), 112490, 2021
Parameterized complexity of binary CSP: vertex cover, treedepth, and related parameters
HL Bodlaender, C Groenland, M Pilipczuk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12543, 2022
Exact antichain saturation numbers via a generalisation of a result of Lehman-Ron
P Bastide, C Groenland, H Jacob, T Johnston
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07391, 2022
A note on connected greedy edge colouring
M Bonamy, C Groenland, C Muller, J Narboni, J Pekárek, A Wesolek
Discrete Applied Mathematics 304, 129-136, 2021
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Articles 1–20