Богдан Гутий | Bogdan Gutyj
Богдан Гутий | Bogdan Gutyj
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv
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Cited by
Effect of blood serum enzymes on meat qualities of piglet productivity
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Bordun, M Ilchenko, A Horchanok
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 158-161, 2020
Biochemical indices of piglets blood under the action of feed additive “Butaselmevit-plus”
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, OI Vishchur, VB Todoriuk
Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 2 (2), 27-30, 2019
The biological significance of the antioxidant defens e system of animals body
YY Lavryshyn, IS Varkholyak, TV Martyschuk, ZА Guta, LB Ivankiv, ...
Scientific Messenger LNUVMBT named after SZ Gzhytskyj 18 (2), 66, 2016
Level of lipid peroxidation products in the blood of rat s under the influence of oxidative stress and under the action of liposomal preparation of «Butaselmevit»
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, OI Vishchur
Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical …, 2016
Analgesic effectiveness of new nanosilver drug
AM Kovalenko, AV Tkachev, OL Tkacheva, BV Gutyj, OI Prystupa, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 300-306, 2020
Brown Swiss cows are more heat resistant than Holstein cows under hot summer conditions of the continental climate of Ukraine
R Mylostyvyi, O Lesnovskay, L Karlova, O Khmeleva, O Кalinichenko, ...
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 9 (4), 0-0, 2021
The impact of endogenous intoxication on biochemical indicators of blood of pregnant cows
B Gutyj, Y Grymak, M Drach, O Bilyk, O Matsjuk, N Magrelo, M Zmiya, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 3 (8), 438-443, 2017
Influence of “Thireomagnile” and “Thyrioton” preparations on the antioxidant status of pregnant cows with symptoms of endotoxicosis
Y Grymak, O Skoromna, O Stadnytska, O Sobolev, B Gutyj, S Shalovylo, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 122-126, 2020
Changes in the spectrum of free fatty acids in blood serum of dairy cows during a prolonged summer heat wave
R Mylostyvyi, V Sejian, O Izhboldina, O Kalinichenko, L Karlova, ...
Animals 11 (12), 3391, 2021
Effect of Butaselmevit-Plus on the immune system of piglets during and after weaning
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, MM Zhelavskyi, SV Midyk, AM Fedorchenko, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (2), 347-352, 2020
Morphological and biochemical indicators of blood of rats poisoned by carbon tetrachloride and subject to action of liposomal preparation
B Gutyj, T Martyshchuk, I Bushueva, B Semeniv, V Parchenko, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 2 (8), 304-309, 2017
Hematological indices of rat organisms under conditions of oxidative stress and liposomal preparation action
M Khariv, B Gutyj, V Butsyak
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 6 (1), 276-289, 2016
Research on acute and chronic toxity of the experimental drug Аmprolinsyl
B Gutyj, I Khariv, V Binkevych, O Binkevych, N Levkivska, D Levkivskyj, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 1 (8), 41-45, 2017
The modern methods of reproduction physiology of horses
AV Tkachev, OL Tkacheva, BV Gutyj
Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 2 (1), 18-23, 2019
Activity of the T-and B-system of the cell immunity of animals under conditions of oxidation stress and effects of the liposomal drug
M Khariv, B Gutyj, N Ohorodnyk, O Vishchur, I Khariv, I Solovodzinska, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 7 (4), 536-541, 2017
Prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the organism of bulls (young cattle) after using cadmium load
B Gutyj, V Stybel, L Darmohray, Y Lavryshyn, I Turko, Y Hachak, ...
Ukrainian journal of Ecology 7 (4), 589-596, 2017
The influence of Metisevit on biochemical and morphological indicators of blood of piglets under nitrate loading
B Gutyj, K Leskiv, A Shcherbatyy, V Pritsak, V Fedorovych, O Fedorovych, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 3 (8), 427-432, 2017
Adaptation strategy of different cow genotypes to the voluntary milking system
OO Borshch, BV Gutyj, OI Sobolev, OV Borshch, SY Ruban, VV Bilkevich, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 145-150, 2020
Specific and nonspecific resistance of the organism and sperm indicators of breeding stallions in Ukraine to the influence of feed mycotoxins
AV Tkachev, OL Tkacheva, BV Gutyj, OV Zhurenko, LB Savchuk, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (4), 64-69, 2021
System of antioxidant protection of the body of piglets under the action of feed additive “Butaselmevit-plus”
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, VI Khalak
Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 4 (2), 38-43, 2021
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Articles 1–20