Articles with public access mandates - Shimaa BadawyLearn more
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Identification and Functional Analysis of Temperate Siphoviridae Bacteriophages of Acinetobacter baumannii
S Badawy, MI Pajunen, J Haiko, ZAM Baka, MI Abou-Dobara, ...
Viruses 12 (6), 604, 2020
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Biological and molecular characterization of fEg-Eco19, a lytic bacteriophage active against an antibiotic-resistant clinical Escherichia coli isolate
S Badawy, ZAM Baka, MI Abou-Dobara, AKA El-Sayed, M Skurnik
Archives of Virology 167 (5), 1333-1341, 2022
Mandates: Academy of Finland
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