Scott N Williamson
Scott N Williamson
Research Scientist
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Cited by
Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world
Nature climate change 5 (5), 424-430, 2015
Changing Arctic snow cover: A review of recent developments and assessment of future needs for observations, modelling, and impacts
S Bokhorst, SH Pedersen, L Brucker, O Anisimov, JW Bjerke, RD Brown, ...
Ambio 45, 516-537, 2016
Estimating temperature fields from MODIS land surface temperature and air temperature observations in a sub-arctic alpine environment
SN Williamson, DS Hik, JA Gamon, JL Kavanaugh, GE Flowers
Remote Sensing 6 (2), 946-963, 2014
Evaluating Cloud Contamination in Clear-Sky MODIS Terra Daytime Land Surface Temperatures Using Ground-Based Meteorology Station …
SN Williamson, DS Hik, JA Gamon, JL Kavanaugh, S Koh
Journal of climate 26 (5), 1551-1560, 2013
Spring and summer monthly MODIS LST is inherently biased compared to air temperature in snow covered sub-Arctic mountains
SN Williamson, DS Hik, JA Gamon, AH Jarosch, FS Anslow, GKC Clarke, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 189, 14-24, 2017
Phylogeography of mitochondrial DNA variation in brown bears and polar bears
GF Shields, D Adams, G Garner, M Labelle, J Pietsch, M Ramsay, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15 (2), 319-326, 2000
Microtopographic patterns in an arctic baydjarakh field: do fine-grain patterns enforcelandscape stability?
JA Gamon, GP Kershaw, S Williamson, DS Hik
Environmental Research Letters 7 (1), 015502, 2012
Phenology and species determine growing‐season albedo increase at the altitudinal limit of shrub growth in the sub‐Arctic
SN Williamson, IC Barrio, DS Hik, JA Gamon
Global Change Biology 22 (11), 3621-3631, 2016
Iceberg calving rates from northern Ellesmere Island ice caps, Canadian Arctic, 1999–2003
S Williamson, M Sharp, J Dowdeswell, T Benham
Journal of Glaciology 54 (186), 391-400, 2008
Remote sensing of recent glacier changes in the Canadian Arctic
M Sharp, DO Burgess, F Cawkwell, L Copland, JA Davis, EK Dowdeswell, ...
Global land ice measurements from space, 205-228, 2014
Evidence for elevation-dependent warming in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada
SN Williamson, C Zdanowicz, FS Anslow, GKC Clarke, L Copland, ...
Journal of Climate 33 (8), 3253-3269, 2020
Response of barren-ground caribou to advancing spring phenology
CD Mallory, SN Williamson, MW Campbell, MS Boyce
Oecologia 192 (3), 837-852, 2020
Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget
J Oehri, G Schaepman-Strub, JS Kim, R Grysko, H Kropp, I Grünberg, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6379, 2022
& Yang, DQ (2015). Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world
N Pepin, RS Bradley, HF Diaz, M Baraer, EB Caceres, N Forsythe, ...
Nature climate change 5 (5), 424-430, 0
The accuracy of satellite-derived albedo for northern alpine and glaciated land covers
SN Williamson, L Copland, DS Hik
Polar Science 10 (3), 262-269, 2016
Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world. Nat Clim Change 5 (5): 424–430
N Pepin, RS Bradley, HF Diaz, M Baraer, EB Caceres, N Forsythe, ...
Comparing simple albedo scaling methods for estimating Arctic glacier mass balance
SN Williamson, L Copland, L Thomson, D Burgess
Remote Sensing of Environment 246, 111858, 2020
The influence of forest fire aerosol and air temperature on glacier albedo, western North America
SN Williamson, B Menounos
Remote Sensing of Environment 267, 112732, 2021
Climate and surging of Donjek glacier, Yukon, Canada
W Kochtitzky, D Winski, E McConnell, K Kreutz, S Campbell, EM Enderlin, ...
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 52 (1), 264-280, 2020
Moss mediates the influence of shrub species on soil properties and processes in alpine tundra
CG Bueno, SN Williamson, IC Barrio, A Helgadottir, DS HiK
PLoS One 11 (10), e0164143, 2016
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Articles 1–20