Guilherme Arantes Canella
Cited by
Cited by
Mott-Anderson metal-insulator transitions from entanglement
GA Canella, VV França
Physical Review B 104 (13), 134201, 2021
Superfluid-Insulator Transition unambiguously detected by entanglement in one-dimensional disordered superfluids
GA Canella, VV França
Scientific Reports 9, 15313, 2019
Entanglement in disordered superfluids: The impact of density, interaction and harmonic confinement on the Superconductor–Insulator transition
GA Canella, VV França
Physica A 454, 123646, 2020
Effects of temperature and magnetization on the Mott–Anderson physics in one-dimensional disordered systems
GA Canella, K Zawadzki, VV França
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8709, 2022
Accurate determination of the nuclear quadrupole moment of xenon from the molecular method
GA Canella, RT Santiago, RLA Haiduke
Chemical Physics Letters 660, 228-232, 2016
Linear entropy fails to predict entanglement behavior in low-density fermionic systems
T Pauletti, MAG Silva, GA Canella, VV França
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 644, 129824, 2024
Work Statistics and Entanglement Across the Fermionic Superfluid‐Insulator Transition
K Zawadzki, GA Canella, VV França, I D'Amico
Advanced Quantum Technologies 7 (3), 2300237, 2024
Optimal work storage across the fermionic superfluid-insulator transition
K Zawadzki, GA Canella, VV França, I D'Amico
Program, 2024
Transições de fase quânticas em nanoestruturas desordenadas
GA Canella
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021
Estudo das propriedades de moléculas com átomos pesados utilizando um novo conjunto de base relativístico
GA Canella
Universidade de São Paulo, 2017
The nuclear quadrupole moment of Xenon
GA Canella, RT Santiago, RLA Haiduke
Resumos, 2015
Linear Entropy Fails to Predict Entanglement Behavior in Low-Density Fermionic Systems
VV Franca, T Pauletti, M Garcia, G Canella
Available at SSRN 4661953, 0
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Articles 1–12