Dr.Nisi Krishnan
Dr.Nisi Krishnan
Anna university
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Cited by
Tuning of a PID controller using evolutionary multi objective optimization methodologies and application to the pulp and paper industry
AIJMLC Nisi, K., Nagaraj, B. & Agalya
Int. J. Mach. Learn. & Cyber. (2018). …, 2018
Index mapping based hybrid DWT-DCT watermarking technique for copyright protection of videos files
A Kunhu, K Nisi, S Sabnam, A Majida, ALM Saeed
2016 Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies …, 2016
A smart vehicle for accident prevention using wireless blackbox and eyeblink sensing technology along with seat belt controlled ignition system
C Mohamedaslam, MS MT, NA Najeeb, K Nisi
2016 Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies …, 2016
A deep analysis on optimization techniques for appropriate PID tuning to incline efficient artificial pancreas
N Balakrishnan, K Nisi
Neural Computing and Applications, pp 1-10, 2018
A deep analysis on optimization techniques for appropriate PID tuning to incline efficient artificial pancreas
N Balakrishnan, K Nisi
Neural Computing and Applications, pp 1-10, 2018
Enhancement of fraternal K-median algorithm with CNN for high dropout probabilities to evolve optimal time-complexity
B Nagaraj, R Arunkumar, K Nisi, P Vijayakumar
Cluster Computing 23 (3), 2001-2008, 2020
Hybrid visual cryptography cum watermarking algorithm for copyright protection of images
A Kunhu, K Nisi, S Sabnam, A Majida, S Al Mansoori
2016 Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies …, 2016
Advanced vehicle over speed detection and billing system (AVODABS)
P Vijin, VS Basheer, PKS Mon, MK Sabin, V Nikhil, K Nisi
2015 Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies …, 2015
Hybrid DWT-DCT video watermarking algorithm for copyright protection of multimedia color videos
A Kunhu, K Nisi, S Sabnam, A Majida
Int J Adv Res Comput Commun Eng 4 (1), 39-43, 2015
Area and power efficient 9T CAM with parity bit and inverter based sense amplifier
MS Nisi K
International journal on multidisciplinary educational research(IJMER) 3 (3 …, 2014
Early Diagnosis and Detection of Cancer using Artificial Neural Network based Prediction Algorithm
A Kunhu, K Nisi, S Sabnam
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Articles 1–11