Design of a PID Feed-Forward Controller for Controlling Output Fluid Temperature in Shell and Tube Hear Exchanger NK Dizaji,A Sakhvati, SH Hoseini Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3 (2-1), 30-34, 2014 | 9* | 2014 |
An approach to optimize the proportional-integral-derivative controller system S Dadvandipour, NK Dizaji, SR Entezar Proceedings of the 2015 16th international carpathian control conference …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Diagnosing interdental decays in mouth radiography images using Kernel Fuzzy C means segmentation and cascade object detector NK Dizaji, T Kumbasar 2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
A new method to detect circles in images based on genetic algorithms NK Dizaji, N Masoudi, A Sakhvati International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 3 (6–1), 49-55, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
A Comprehensive Brain MRI Image Segmentation System Based on Contourlet Transform and Deep Neural Networks N Khalili Dizaji, M Doğan Algorithms 17 (3), 130, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |