Jana Matoskova
Jana Matoskova
Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
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Cited by
Cited by
Measuring Knowledge
J Matošková
Journal of Competitiveness 8 (4), 5-29, 2016
Human resource management practices stimulating knowledge sharing
J Matošková, P Směšná
Management & Marketing 12 (4), 614-632, 2017
Facilitating leader tacit knowledge acquisition
J Matošková, H Řeháčková, E Sobotková, M Polčáková, M Jurásek, ...
Journal of Competitiveness, 2013
The Link Between Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence From the Czech Republic
Z Crhová, J Matošková
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 15 (3), 1-23, 2019
A link between knowledge sharing and managers’ characteristics
J Matošková, L Macurová, L Tomancová
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 39 (8), 1024-1036, 2018
Creative clusters in Visegrad countries: Factors conditioning cluster establishment and development
M Bialic-Davendra, P Bednář, L Danko, J Matošková
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 33-47, 2016
The relation between employee characteristics and knowledge sharing
J Matošková, O Bartók, L Tomancová
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 52 (4), 486-507, 2022
Linking employer branding and firm-level performance: The case of Azerbaijani firms registered on Glassdoor
A Huseynova, J Matošková, A Gregar
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2022
Why employees share their knowledge
J Matošková
Economics and Management, 2019
How to support knowledge management through human resource management activities
J Matošková
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 11 (3 …, 2012
Sustainable HRM practices for a stronger employer brand: Leveraging organizational culture
A Huseynova, J Matošková
Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice-Series D-Faculty of …, 2022
Partnership between the employer and the staff as a vital factor for knowledge sharing
P Benyahya, J Matošková
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 18 (1), 5-27, 2021
Managers’ activities within cultural and creative clusters: an essential element for cluster development in the Visegrád countries
L Danko, P Bednář, J Matošková
Creativity Studies 10 (1), 26-42, 2017
Tacit knowledge as an indicator of academic performance
J Matošková
Journal of Further and Higher Education 44 (7), 877-895, 2020
Development of a Situational Judgment Test as a Predictor of College Student Performance
J Matošková, M Kovářík
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 35 (8), 768-784, 2017
Development of a cluster manager's competencies towards competitiveness
M Horak, J Matošková, L Danko
Journal of Competitiveness, 2020
Communication tools as drivers of employees' knowledge sharing: Evidence from the Czech Republic
J Matošková
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2020
Determining Approaches to Human Resource Management in Start-ups that Foster Innovation and Boost Organizational Performance.
E Çera, A Kusaku, J Matošková, A Gregar
Quality-Access to Success 24 (193), 2023
Úspěšný student vysoké školy a jeho tacitní znalosti
J Matošková, K Dobeš, M Baňařová, M Polčáková, J Bilíková
Žilina: Georg, 2014
Why Manufacturers Need to Engage Employees When Implementing a Smart Factory: A Case Report from the Czech Republic
J Matošková, Z Crhová, A Gregar
Research-Technology Management 66 (3), 51-65, 2023
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Articles 1–20