Dr Johan Lidberg
Dr Johan Lidberg
Associate Professor School of Media, Film and Journalism, Monash Unviversity, Melbourne, Australia
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Cited by
Reporting the global financial crisis: A longitudinal tri-nation study of mainstream financial journalism
S Knowles, G Phillips, J Lidberg
Journalism Studies 18 (3), 322-340, 2017
The International Freedom of Information Index. A Watchdog of Transparency in Practice
J Lidberg
Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2009
The distortion of the Australian public sphere: Media ownership concentration in Australia
J Lidberg
AQ-Australian Quarterly 90 (1), 12-20, 2019
In the Name of Security Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism
J Lidberg, D Muller
Anthem Press, 2018
Australian media coverage of two pivotal climate change summits: A comparative study between COP15 and COP21
J Lidberg
Pacific journalism review 24 (1), 70-86, 2018
‘For Your Information’-The impact of Freedom of Information legislation on journalism practice and content in Western Australia and Sweden
J Lidberg
Murdoch University, 2002
The framing of the Global Financial Crisis 2005-2008: a cross-country comparison of the US, UK and Australia
J Knowles, Sophie, Phillips, Gail and Lidberg
Australian Journalism Review 35 (2), 59-72, 2013
Information access evolution: Assessing freedom of information reforms in Australia
J Lidberg
Australian Journalism Review 38 (1), 73-82, 2016
Freedom of information and journalistic content in Western Australia and Sweden
J Lidberg, A McHoul
UTS L. Rev. 5, 101, 2003
In the shadow of phone hacking: Media accountability inquiries in Australia
J Lidberg, M Hirst
Deakin University, 2013
'Keeping the bastards honest': the promise and practice of freedom of information legislation
J Lidberg
Murdoch University, 2006
Next generation freedom of information-from'pull'to'push': A comparative study
J Lidberg
Australian Journalism Review 37 (1), 81-90, 2015
From freedom to right-where will freedom of information go in the age of WikiLeaks?
J Lidberg
Australian Journalism Review 35 (2), 73-85, 2013
The international freedom of information index: The promise and practice of FOI laws
J Lidberg
VDM, 2009
Keeping the bastards honest
J Lidberg
Unpublished doctoral thesis. Monash University, Melbourne, 2006
The COVID-19 story—unmasking China’s global strategy
L Lim, J Lidberg, J Bergin
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). www. ifj. org/fileadmin …, 2021
Freedom of information banana republics and the Freedom of information Index
J Lidberg
Right to Information-Indian and International Perspective, 191-218, 2007
A one-stop shop for grievances: Norway's self-regulation model as a way to rebuild trust in Australian journalism
J Lidberg
Australian Journalism Review 33 (2), 129-143, 2011
The Freedom of Information index: measuring the gap between the promise and practice of freedom of information legislation.
SJ Tanner, J Lidberg, G Phillips
Freedom of Information Review, 88-94, 2003
The world according to China: Capturing and analysing the global media influence strategies of a superpower
J Lidberg, E Bradshaw, L Lim
Pacific Journalism Review 29 (1/2), 182-204, 2023
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Articles 1–20