Maarten van Gompel
Maarten van Gompel
Radboud University Nijmegen
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Cited by
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software
RC Jiménez, M Kuzak, M Alhamdoosh, M Barker, B Batut, M Borg, ...
F1000Research 6, 2017
FoLiA: A practical XML format for linguistic annotation–a descriptive and comparative study
M van Gompel, M Reynaert
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 3, 63-81, 2013
T-Scan: a new tool for analyzing Dutch text
HLW Pander Maat, R Kraf, APJ Van den Bosch, N Dekker, M Gompel, ...
PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword expressions
A Savary, M Candito, VB Mititelu, E Bejček, F Cap, S Čéplö, SR Cordeiro, ...
Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE …, 2018
UvT-WSD1. A cross-lingual word sense disambiguation system
M Gompel
Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates, Inc, 2010
Efficient n-gram, skipgram and flexgram modelling with Colibri Core
M Van Gompel, A Van Den Bosch
Journal of Open Research Software 4 (1), e30-e30, 2016
Non-deterministic attribute selection in reference production
A Gatt, M van Gompel, EJ Krahmer, K van Deemter
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Production of Referring Expressions (PRE …, 2011
Dutch-SemCor: building a semantically annotated corpus for Dutch
P Vossen, A Görög, F Laan, M van Gompel, R Izquierdo, ...
Proceedings of eLex, 286-296, 2011
FoLiA in Practice. The Infrastructure of a Linguistic Annotation Format
M Gompel, K Sloot, M Reynaert, APJ van den Bosch
London: Ubiquity Press, 2017
Detecting and correcting spelling errors in high-quality Dutch Wikipedia text
M Beeksma, M Van Gompel, F Kunneman, L Onrust, B Regnerus, D Vinke, ...
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 8, 122-137, 2018
Piccl: Philosophical integrator of computational and corpus libraries
M Reynaert, M Gompel, K Sloot, APJ van den Bosch
Wrocław, Poland: CLARIN ERIC, 2015
Wsd2: Parameter optimisation for memory-based cross-lingual word-sense disambiguation
M van Gompel, A van den Bosch
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM …, 2013
Ucto: Unicode Tokeniser
M Van Gompel, K van der Sloot, A van den Bosch
Version 0.5 3, 12-05, 2012
FoLiA: Format for linguistic annotation
M van Gompel
CLIN22, Tilburg, 2012
Frog, a natural language processing suite for Dutch
I Hendrickx, A van den Bosch, M van Gompel, K Van der Sloot, ...
Language and Speech Technology Technical Report Series, Radboud University …, 2016
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software, F1000Research, 6
RC Jiménez, M Kuzak, M Alhamdoosh, M Barker, B Batut, M Borg, ...
CLAM: Quickly deploy NLP command-line tools on the web
M van Gompel, M Reynaert
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
SemEval 2014 task 5-L2 writing assistant
M van Gompel, I Hendrickx, A van den Bosch, E Lefever, V Hoste
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
Extending memory-based machine translation to phrases
M Van Gompel, A Van Den Bosch, P Berck
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Example-Based Machine Translation, 79-86, 2009
Translation assistance by translation of L1 fragments in an L2 context
M Van Gompel, A Van Den Bosch
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
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Articles 1–20