Zahra Sabetsarvestani
Cited by
Cited by
Artificial intelligence for art investigation: Meeting the challenge of separating x-ray images of the Ghent Altarpiece
Z Sabetsarvestani, B Sober, C Higgitt, I Daubechies, MRD Rodrigues
Science advances 5 (8), eaaw7416, 2019
Source separation with side information based on Gaussian mixture models with application in art investigation
Z Sabetsarvestani, F Renna, F Kiraly, M Rodrigues
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 558-572, 2020
Constructing artificial data for fine-tuning for low-resource biomedical text tagging with applications in pico annotation
G Singh, Z Sabet, J Shawe-Taylor, J Thomas
Explainable AI in Healthcare and Medicine: Building a Culture of …, 2021
Entry-wise matrix completion from noisy entries
Z Sabetsarvestani, F Kiraly, R Miguel, D Rodrigues
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2603-2607, 2018
Image separation with side information: A connected auto-encoders based approach
W Pu, B Sober, N Daly, C Zhou, Z Sabetsarvestani, C Higgitt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 2931-2946, 2023
Source separation in the presence of side information: Necessary and sufficient conditions for reliable de-mixing
Z Sabetsarvestani, F Renna, F Kiraly, MRD Rodrigues
2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2018
Sparse estimation with generalized beta mixture and the horseshoe prior
Z Sabetsarvestani, H Amindavar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.2405, 2014
Source Separation in the Presence of Side-information
Z Sabetsarvestani
University of London, University College London (United Kingdom), 2020
Variations on the Convolutional Sparse Coding Model........................... I. Rey-Otero, J. Sulam, and M. Elad 519 Turing Computability of Fourier Transforms of Bandlimited …
Z Sabetsarvestani, F Renna, F Kiraly, M Rodrigues, L Liu, G Peng, ...
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Articles 1–9