Ting Yang
Ting Yang
Southern University of Science and Technology
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Upper mantle structure beneath the Azores hotspot from finite-frequency seismic tomography
T Yang, Y Shen, S van der Lee, SC Solomon, SH Hung
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (1-2), 11-26, 2006
Seismic structure beneath the Rivera subduction zone from finite‐frequency seismic tomography
T Yang, SP Grand, D Wilson, M Guzman‐Speziale, JM Gomez‐Gonzalez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B1), 2009
Passive-source ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) array experiment in South China Sea and data quality analyses
C Liu, Q Hua, Y Pei, T Yang, S Xia, M Xue, BM Le, D Huo, F Liu, H Huang
Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 4524-4535, 2014
Mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Indochina Peninsula: Implications for slab subduction and mantle upwelling
Y Yu, SS Gao, KH Liu, T Yang, M Xue, KP Le
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (14), 7159-7167, 2017
Lithospheric structure beneath Indochina block from Rayleigh wave phase velocity tomography
T Yang, F Liu, N Harmon, KP Le, S Gu, M Xue
Geophysical Journal International 200 (3), 1582-1595, 2015
The characteristics of microseisms in South China Sea: Results from a combined data set of OBSs, broadband land seismic stations, and a global wave height model
H Xiao, M Xue, T Yang, C Liu, Q Hua, S Xia, H Huang, BM Le, Y Yu, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 3923-3942, 2018
Correction of OBS clock errors using Scholte waves retrieved from cross-correlating hydrophone recordings
BM Le, T Yang, YJ Chen, H Yao
Geophysical Journal International 212 (2), 891-899, 2018
宋俊高, 朱元清, 火恩杰, 严大华, 杨挺
地震学报 22 (4), 424-432, 2000
Frequency-dependent crustal correction for finite-frequency seismic tomography
T Yang, Y Shen
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (6), 2441-2448, 2006
Characteristics of the mantle flow system beneath the Indochina Peninsula revealed by teleseismic shear wave splitting analysis
Y Yu, SS Gao, KH Liu, T Yang, M Xue, KP Le, J Gao
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (5), 1519-1532, 2018
Crustal structure across the extinct mid‐ocean ridge in South China sea from OBS receiver functions: insights into the spreading rate and magma supply prior to the ridge cessation
TD Hung, T Yang, BM Le, Y Yu, M Xue, B Liu, C Liu, J Wang, M Pan, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (3), e2020GL089755, 2021
杨峰, 黄金莉, 杨挺
地球物理学报 53 (8), 1806-1816, 2010
Upper mantle structure beneath the Chinese capital region from teleseismic finite-frequency tomography
F Yang, JL Huang, T Yang
Chinese Journal of Geophysics 53 (8), 1806-1816, 2010
Lateral variations of crustal structure beneath the Indochina Peninsula
Y Yu, TD Hung, T Yang, M Xue, KH Liu, SS Gao
Tectonophysics 712, 193-199, 2017
Upper mantle and transition zone structure beneath Leizhou–Hainan region: Seismic evidence for a lower-mantle origin of the Hainan plume
BM Le, T Yang, S Gu
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111, 580-588, 2015
刘晨光, 华清峰, 裴彦良, 杨挺, 夏少红, 薛梅, 黎伯孟, 霍达, 刘芳, ...
科学通报 59 (16), 1542-1552, 2014
GIS 在城市防震减灾应急决策中的应用
火恩杰, 宋俊高, 朱元清, 严大华, 杨挺
自然灾害学报 9 (3), 15-22, 2000
Seismic anisotropy surrounding South China Sea and its geodynamic implications
M Xue, KP Le, T Yang
Marine Geophysical Research 34, 407-429, 2013
P-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Iceland from local earthquake tomography
T Yang, Y Shen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (3-4), 597-609, 2005
Effects of failure of the ocean‐bottom seismograph leveling system on receiver function analysis
TD Hung, T Yang, BM Le, Y Yu
Seismological Research Letters 90 (3), 1191-1199, 2019
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