Lisa M Campbell
Cited by
Cited by
Global research priorities for sea turtles: informing management and conservation in the 21st century
M Hamann, MH Godfrey, JA Seminoff, K Arthur, PCR Barata, KA Bjorndal, ...
Endangered species research 11 (3), 245-269, 2010
Ecotourism in rural developing communities
LM Campbell
Annals of tourism research 26 (3), 534-553, 1999
Participatory development and community-based conservation: opportunities missed for lessons learned?
LM Campbell, A Vainio-Mattila
Human ecology 31, 417-437, 2003
Blue economy and competing discourses in international oceans governance
JJ Silver, NJ Gray, LM Campbell, LW Fairbanks, RL Gruby
The Journal of Environment & Development 24 (2), 135-160, 2015
Overcoming obstacles to interdisciplinary research
LM Campbell
Conservation biology 19 (2), 574-577, 2005
A decommodified experience? Exploring aesthetic, economic and ethical values for volunteer ecotourism in Costa Rica
NJ Gray, LM Campbell
Journal of sustainable tourism 15 (5), 463-482, 2007
Half-Earth or Whole Earth? Radical ideas for conservation, and their implications
B Büscher, R Fletcher, D Brockington, C Sandbrook, WM Adams, ...
Oryx 51 (3), 407-410, 2017
What makes them pay? Values of volunteer tourists working for sea turtle conservation
LM Campbell, C Smith
Environmental management 38, 84-98, 2006
Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?
AF Rees, J Alfaro-Shigueto, PCR Barata, KA Bjorndal, AB Bolten, ...
Endangered Species Research 31, 337-382, 2016
Local conservation practice and global discourse: a political ecology of sea turtle conservation
LM Campbell
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97 (2), 313-334, 2007
Global oceans governance: new and emerging issues
LM Campbell, NJ Gray, L Fairbanks, JJ Silver, RL Gruby, BA Dubik, ...
Annual review of environment and resources 41 (1), 517-543, 2016
Conservation narratives in Costa Rica: conflict and co‐existence
LM Campbell
Development and change 33 (1), 29-56, 2002
Gatekeepers and keymasters: Dynamic relationships of access in geographical fieldwork
LM Campbell, NJ Gray, ZA Meletis, JG Abbott, JJ Silver
Geographical Review 96 (1), 97-121, 2006
Studying global environmental meetings to understand global environmental governance: Collaborative event ethnography at the tenth conference of the parties to the convention …
LM Campbell, C Corson, NJ Gray, KI MacDonald, JP Brosius
Global environmental politics 14 (3), 1-20, 2014
Traditional ecological knowledge in conservation research: problems and prospects for their constructive engagement
JM Shackeroff, LM Campbell
Conservation and Society 5 (3), 343-360, 2007
Collaborative event ethnography: conservation and development trade-offs at the fourth world conservation congress
JP Brosius, LM Campbell
Conservation and Society 8 (4), 245-255, 2010
Use them or lose them? Conservation and the consumptive use of marine turtle eggs at Ostional, Costa Rica
LM Campbell
Environmental Conservation 25 (4), 305-319, 1998
Recognize fish as food in policy discourse and development funding
A Bennett, X Basurto, J Virdin, X Lin, SJ Betances, MD Smith, EH Allison, ...
Ambio 50, 981-989, 2021
Co-producing conservation and knowledge: Citizen-based sea turtle monitoring in North Carolina, USA
ML Cornwell, LM Campbell
Social Studies of Science 42 (1), 101-120, 2012
The ontological politics of marine spatial planning: Assembling the ocean and shaping the capacities of ‘community’and ‘environment’
N Boucquey, L Fairbanks, KS Martin, LM Campbell, B McCay
Geoforum 75, 1-11, 2016
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Articles 1–20