Joe Michael Kniss Ph.D.
Cited by
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Real-time volume graphics
K Engel, M Hadwiger, JM Kniss, AE Lefohn, CR Salama, D Weiskopf
ACM Siggraph 2004 Course Notes, 29-es, 2004
Multidimensional transfer functions for interactive volume rendering
J Kniss, G Kindlmann, C Hansen
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 8 (3), 270-285, 2002
Interactive volume rendering using multi-dimensional transfer functions and direct manipulation widgets
J Kniss, G Kindlmann, C Hansen
Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 255-562, 2001
A model for volume lighting and modeling
J Kniss, S Premoze, C Hansen, P Shirley, A McPherson
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 9 (2), 150-162, 2003
Glift: Generic, efficient, random-access GPU data structures
AE Lefohn, S Sengupta, J Kniss, R Strzodka, JD Owens
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 25 (1), 60-99, 2006
A streaming narrow-band algorithm: interactive computation and visualization of level sets
AE Lefohn, JM Kniss, CD Hansen, RT Whitaker
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, 243-es, 2005
Visualizing summary statistics and uncertainty
K Potter, J Kniss, R Riesenfeld, CR Johnson
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (3), 823-832, 2010
Interactive translucent volume rendering and procedural modeling
J Kniss, S Premoze, C Hansen, D Ebert
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., 109-116, 2002
Gaussian transfer functions for multi-field volume visualization
J Kniss, M Ikits, A Lefohn, C Hansen, E Praun
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 497-504, 2003
Interactive texture-based volume rendering for large data sets
J Kniss, P McCormick, A McPherson, J Ahrens, J Painter, A Keahey, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21 (4), 52-61, 2001
Interactive deformation and visualization of level set surfaces using graphics hardware
AE Lefohn, JM Kniss, CD Hansen, RT Whitaker
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 75-82, 2003
Packet-based whitted and distribution ray tracing
S Boulos, D Edwards, JD Lacewell, J Kniss, J Kautz, P Shirley, I Wald
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, 177-184, 2007
Statistically quantitative volume visualization
JM Kniss, R Van Uitert, A Stephens, GS Li, T Tasdizen, C Hansen
VIS 05. IEEE Visualization, 2005., 287-294, 2005
Volume rendering techniques
M Ikits
GPU Gems, 2004
High-quality volume graphics on consumer pc hardware
M Hadwiger, JM Kniss, K Engel, C Rezk-Salama, H Landis
IEEE Visualization, 2002
Volume rendering multivariate data to visualize meteorological simulations: a case study.
J Kniss, CD Hansen, M Grenier, T Robinson
VisSym, 189-194, 2002
Implementing efficient parallel data structures on GPUs
A Lefohn, J Kniss, J Owens
GPU gems 2, 521-545, 2005
Dynamic adaptive shadow maps on graphics hardware
A Lefohn, S Sengupta, J Kniss, R Strzodka, JD Owens
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches, 13-es, 2005
Multidimensional Transfer Functions for Volume Rendering.
J Kniss, GL Kindlmann, CD Hansen
The visualization handbook, 189-209, 2005
High-quality rendering of compressed volume data formats.
N Fout, H Akiba, KL Ma, AE Lefohn, J Kniss
Eurovis, 77-84, 2005
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Articles 1–20