Charles Umney
Cited by
Cited by
In, against and beyond precarity: Work in insecure times
G Alberti, I Bessa, K Hardy, V Trappmann, C Umney
Work, Employment and Society 32 (3), 447-457, 2018
The social protection of workers in the platform economy
C Forde, M Stuart, S Joyce, L Oliver, D Valizade, G Alberti, K Hardy, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2017
“That’s the experience” passion, work precarity, and life transitions among London jazz musicians
C Umney, L Kretsos
Work and Occupations 42 (3), 313-334, 2015
A global analysis of worker protest in digital labour platforms
I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, M Stuart, V Trappmann, C Umney
International Labour Organization, 2022
Creative labour and collective interaction: the working lives of young jazz musicians in London
C Umney, L Kretsos
Work, employment and society 28 (4), 571-588, 2014
A global struggle: worker protest in the platform economy
S Joyce, D Neumann, V Trappmann, C Umney
ETUI Research Paper-Policy Brief 2, 2020
Class Matters Inequality and Exploitation in 21st Century Britain
C Umney
Pluto Press (UK), 2018
The labour market for jazz musicians in Paris and London: Formal regulation and informal norms
C Umney
Human Relations 69 (3), 711-729, 2016
New social relations of digital technology and the future of work: Beyond technological determinism
S Joyce, C Umney, X Whittaker, M Stuart
New technology, work and employment 38 (2), 145-161, 2023
Global labour unrest on platforms: The case of food delivery workers
V Trappmann, I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, M Stuart, C Umney
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2020
Can public healthcare afford marketization? Market principles, mechanisms, and effects in five health systems
N Krachler, I Greer, C Umney
Public Administration Review 82 (5), 876-886, 2022
Moral economy, intermediaries and intensified competition in the labour market for function musicians
C Umney
Work, employment and society 31 (5), 834-850, 2017
Why isn’t there an Uber for live music? The digitalisation of intermediaries and the limits of the platform economy
D Azzellini, I Greer, C Umney
New Technology, Work and Employment 37 (1), 1-23, 2022
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis
C Umney, I Greer, Ö Onaran, G Symon
Capital & Class 42 (2), 333-351, 2018
I Greer, C Umney
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022
Toward a precarious projectariat? Project dynamics in Slovenian and French social services
I Greer, B Samaluk, C Umney
Organization Studies 40 (12), 1873-1895, 2019
The political economy of datafication and work: A new digital Taylorism
M Cole, H Radice, C Umney
Socalist Register 2021, 78-99, 2020
Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: Artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017
C Umney, G Symon
Capital & Class 44 (4), 595-615, 2020
Why platform capitalism is not the future of work
D Azzellini, I Greer, C Umney
Work in the Global Economy 2 (2), 272-289, 2022
Platform labour unrest in a global perspective: How, where and why do platform workers protest?
C Umney, M Stuart, I Bessa, S Joyce, D Neumann, V Trappmann
Work, Employment and Society 38 (1), 3-26, 2024
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Articles 1–20