Marcus Day
Marcus Day
Group Manager and Principal Scientist, NREL
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AMReX: a framework for block-structured adaptive mesh refinement
W Zhang, A Almgren, V Beckner, J Bell, J Blaschke, C Chan, M Day, ...
The Journal of Open Source Software 4 (37), 1370, 2019
CASTRO: A new compressible astrophysical solver. I. Hydrodynamics and self-gravity
AS Almgren, VE Beckner, JB Bell, MS Day, LH Howell, CC Joggerst, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 715 (2), 1221, 2010
Turbulence–flame interactions in lean premixed hydrogen: transition to the distributed burning regime
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Journal of Fluid mechanics 680, 287-320, 2011
Numerical simulation of Lewis number effects on lean premixed turbulent flames
JB Bell, RK Cheng, MS Day, IG Shepherd
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 1309-1317, 2007
Numerical simulation of a laboratory-scale turbulent slot flame
JB Bell, MS Day, JF Grcar, MJ Lijewski, JF Driscoll, SA Filatyev
Proceedings of the combustion institute 31 (1), 1299-1307, 2007
Numerical simulation of a laboratory-scale turbulent V-flame
JB Bell, MS Day, IG Shepherd, MR Johnson, RK Cheng, JF Grcar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (29), 10006-10011, 2005
Numerical simulation of premixed turbulent methane combustion
JB Bell, MS Day, JF Grcar
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (2), 1987-1993, 2002
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor unstable flames in type Ia supernovae
M Zingale, SE Woosley, CA Rendleman, MS Day, JB Bell
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0501655, 2005
Turbulence-chemistry interaction in lean premixed hydrogen combustion
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1321-1329, 2015
Lewis number effects in distributed flames
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1473-1480, 2011
Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of turbulent lean premixed methane combustion with detailed kinetics
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Combustion and Flame 166, 266-283, 2016
Ammonia conversion and NOx formation in laminar coflowing nonpremixed methane-air flames
N Sullivan, A Jensen, P Glarborg, MS Day, JF Grcar, JB Bell, CJ Pope, ...
Combustion and Flame 131 (3), 285-298, 2002
Direct numerical simulations of type Ia supernovae flames. II. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability
JB Bell, MS Day, CA Rendleman, SE Woosley, M Zingale
The Astrophysical Journal 608 (2), 883, 2004
The Soret effect in naturally propagating, premixed, lean, hydrogen–air flames
JF Grcar, JB Bell, MS Day
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 1173-1180, 2009
Characterization of low Lewis number flames
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 1463-1471, 2011
Towards the distributed burning regime in turbulent premixed flames
AJ Aspden, MS Day, JB Bell
Journal of fluid mechanics 871, 1-21, 2019
Adaptive low Mach number simulations of nuclear flame microphysics
JB Bell, MS Day, CA Rendleman, SE Woosley, MA Zingale
Journal of Computational Physics 195 (2), 677-694, 2004
A deferred correction coupling strategy for low Mach number flow with complex chemistry
A Nonaka, JB Bell, MS Day, C Gilet, AS Almgren, ML Minion
Combustion Theory and Modelling 16 (6), 1053-1088, 2012
Boxlib with tiling: An adaptive mesh refinement software framework
W Zhang, A Almgren, M Day, T Nguyen, J Shalf, D Unat
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S156-S172, 2016
Active control for statistically stationary turbulent premixed flame simulations
J Bell, M Day, J Grcar, M Lijewski
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 1 (1), 29-51, 2007
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Articles 1–20