Olivier Boutin
Olivier Boutin
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Cited by
of Book: Control of Discrete-Event Systems: Automata and Petri Net Perspectives
L Hardouin, O Boutin, T Brunsch, J Raisch
Springer, 2013
of Book: Control of Discrete-Event Systems: Automata and Petri Net Perspectives
T Brunsch, J Raisch, L Hardouin, O Boutin
Springer, 2013
Control of Distributed Systems: Tutorial and Overview
JH van Schuppen, O Boutin, PL Kempker, J Komenda, T Masopust, ...
European Journal of Control 17 (5), 579-602, 2011
Discrete-event systems in a dioid framework: Control theory
L Hardouin, O Boutin, B Cottenceau, T Brunsch, J Raisch
Control of Discrete-Event Systems, 451-469, 2013
Hierarchical control with partial observations: Sufficient conditions
O Boutin, J Komenda, T Masopust, K Schmidt, JH van Schuppen
Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011 50th …, 2011
Modelling systems with periodic routing functions in dioid (min,+)
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, A L'Anton, JJ Loiseau
Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 13 (1), 1394-1399, 2009
Discrete-event systems in a dioid framework: Modeling and analysis
T Brunsch, J Raisch, L Hardouin, O Boutin
Control of Discrete-Event Systems, 431-450, 2013
Dealing with mutual exclusion sections in production systems: from shared resources to parallel TEG’s
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, A L’Anton
17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, IFAC 8, 2008
On the control of the paint factory scale model
O Boutin, JH van Schuppen
CWI MAC-1103, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011
Shared resources in production systems:(max,+) analysis
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, JJ Loiseau, A L'Anton
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 3 (2), 125-147, 2011
Modélisation de conflits et calcul de bornes dans les systèmes de production par la théorie des dioïdes
O Boutin
École Centrale de Nantes, 2009
Online Control of a (max,+) Linear Emulated Production System
O Boutin, A L'Anton, B Cottenceau
IESM07: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2007
Modélisation de systèmes de production à routages périodiques dans le dioïde Zmin
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, A L'Anton, JJ Loiseau
Journées Doctorales/Journées Nationales MACS (JD-JN-MACS 2009), 2009
Commande de zones de conflits dans une algèbre de dïode
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, A L'Anton
7ème conférence internationale de MOdélisation et de SIMulation (MOSIM'08), x, 2008
Simulation d'une gestion de production (max,+) linéaire sous SIMAN/ARENA
O Boutin, B Cottenceau, A L'Anton, JL Boimond, MF Gérard
Modelling routing phenomenon with bounds estimation in dioids
O Boutin, A L’Anton
Linear Algebra and its Applications 435 (7), 1520-1541, 2011
Contribution au pilotage (max,+) en ligne d'un système de production émulé
O Boutin, A L'Anton, B Cottenceau
JD MACS07: 2èmes Journées Doctorales du GdR MACS, 2007
Emulation as a means of designing an Inline-Control
O Boutin, A L'Anton, B Cottenceau
IMSM07: International Modeling & Simulation Multiconference 2007, 2007
Modélisation de systemes par des GETa temps incertains et applications dans un dioıde d’intervalles
O Boutin
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Articles 1–19