Clifford Russell Bowers
Clifford Russell Bowers
Department of Chemistry & National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
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Parahydrogen and synthesis allow dramatically enhanced nuclear alignment
CR Bowers, DP Weitekamp
Journal of the American Chemical Society 109 (18), 5541-5542, 1987
Transformation of symmetrization order to nuclear-spin magnetization by chemical reaction and nuclear magnetic resonance
CR Bowers, DP Weitekamp
Physical Review Letters 57 (21), 2645, 1986
Parahydrogen‐based hyperpolarization for biomedicine
JB Hövener, AN Pravdivtsev, B Kidd, CR Bowers, S Glöggler, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (35), 11140-11162, 2018
Comparison of Structural and Chemical Properties of Black and Red Human Hair Melanosomes
Y Liu, L Hong, K Wakamatsu, S Ito, B Adhyaru, CY Cheng, CR Bowers, ...
Photochemistry and photobiology 81 (1), 135-144, 2005
Direct chemical evidence for eumelanin pigment from the Jurassic period
K Glass, S Ito, PR Wilby, T Sota, A Nakamura, CR Bowers, J Vinther, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), 10218-10223, 2012
High capacity production of> 65% spin polarized xenon-129 for NMR spectroscopy and imaging
AL Zook, BB Adhyaru, CR Bowers
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 159 (2), 175-182, 2002
High-Resolution, NMR in Unstable Magnetic Fields
YY Lin, S Ahn, N Murali, W Brey, CR Bowers, WS Warren
Physical Review Letters 85 (17), 3732, 2000
High-field cross polarization NMR from laser-polarized xenon to a polymer surface
HW Long, HC Gaede, J Shore, L Reven, CR Bowers, J Kritzenberger, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (18), 8491-8492, 1993
Cross polarization from laser-polarized solid xenon to 13CO2 by low-field thermal mixing
CR Bowers, HW Long, T Pietrass, HC Gaede, A Pines
Chemical physics letters 205 (2-3), 168-170, 1993
Comparisons of the Structural and Chemical Properties of Melanosomes Isolated from Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Iris and Choroid of Newborn and Mature Bovine Eyes¶
Y Liu, L Hong, K Wakamatsu, S Ito, BB Adhyaru, CY Cheng, CR Bowers, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 81 (3), 510-516, 2005
Silica‐Encapsulated Pt‐Sn Intermetallic Nanoparticles: A Robust Catalytic Platform for Parahydrogen‐Induced Polarization of Gases and Liquids
EW Zhao, R Maligal‐Ganesh, C Xiao, TW Goh, Z Qi, Y Pei, ...
Angewandte Chemie 129 (14), 3983-3987, 2017
Solid‐state cross‐polarization magic angle spinning 13C and 15N NMR characterization of Sepia melanin, Sepia melanin free acid and Human hair melanin in …
BB Adhyaru, NG Akhmedov, AR Katritzky, CR Bowers
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 41 (6), 466-474, 2003
Strong Metal–Support Interactions Enhance the Pairwise Selectivity of Parahydrogen Addition over Ir/TiO2
EW Zhao, H Zheng, K Ludden, Y Xin, HE Hagelin-Weaver, CR Bowers
Acs Catalysis 6 (2), 974-978, 2016
Symmetrization postulate and nuclear magnetic resonance of reacting systems
CR Bowers, DH Jones, ND Kurur, JA Labinger, MG Pravica, ...
Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance 14, 269-291, 1990
Sensitivity enhancement utilizing parahydrogen
CR Bowers
Emagres, 2007
Exploring surfaces and cavities in lipoxygenase and other proteins by hyperpolarized xenon-129 NMR
CR Bowers, V Storhaug, CE Webster, J Bharatam, A Cottone, R Gianna, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (40), 9370-9377, 1999
Shaped Ceria Nanocrystals Catalyze Efficient and Selective Para‐Hydrogen‐Enhanced Polarization
EW Zhao, H Zheng, R Zhou, HE Hagelin‐Weaver, CR Bowers
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (48), 14270-14275, 2015
Instrumentation for hydrogenative parahydrogen-based hyperpolarization techniques
AB Schmidt, CR Bowers, K Buckenmaier, EY Chekmenev, H de Maissin, ...
Analytical chemistry 94 (1), 479-502, 2022
Observation of a node in the quantum oscillations induced by microwave radiation
AE Kovalev, SA Zvyagin, CR Bowers, JL Reno, JA Simmons
Solid state communications 130 (6), 379-381, 2004
Parahydrogen-induced polarization by pairwise replacement catalysis on Pt and Ir nanoparticles
R Zhou, EW Zhao, W Cheng, LM Neal, H Zheng, RE Quiñones, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (5), 1938-1946, 2015
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Articles 1–20