Siavash Karimi
Siavash Karimi
Department of Power Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
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Cited by
Optimal sizing and siting distributed generation resources using a multiobjective algorithm
SA Hosseini, SSK Madahi, F Razavi, M Karami, AA Ghadimi
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 21 (3), 825-850, 2013
Speech Signal Encryption Using Chaotic Symmetric Cryptography”
M Ashtiyani, PM Birgani, S Madahi
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 2 (2), 1678-1684, 2012
Finding the optimal capacity and location of distributed generation resources and analyzing the impact of different coefficient factors
SA Hosseini, M Karami, SSK Madahi, F Razavi, AA Ghadimi
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res 1 (12), 2578-2589, 2011
Optimal capacity, location and number of distributed generation at 20 kV substations
G Branch, I Golpayegan
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (10), 1051-1061, 2011
A Neural Network Based Method for Cost Estimation 63/20kV and 132/20kV Transformers
SSK Madahi, P Salah
Enhancement the accuracy of daily and hourly short time load forecasting using neural network
M Sarlak, T Ebrahimi, SSK Madahi
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (1), 247-255, 2012
Determining the optimal capacity and place of DGs using GA algorithm: voltage profile improvement and loss reduction
F Razavi, SA Hosseini, M Karami, AA Ghadimi, SSK Madahi
The 8th Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and …, 2011
Multi-Criteria optimal sizing and allocation of renewable and non-renewable distributed generation resources at 63 kv/20 kv substations
SS Karimi Madahi, AT Sarić
Energies 13 (20), 5364, 2020
Determining the optimal capacity and place of DGs in distribution systems
SA Hosseini, M Karami, SSK Madahi, F Razavi, AA Ghadimi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 110, 5195-5199, 2012
Optimal design of insulators of using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
SSK Madahi, M Hassani
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (1), 60-64, 2012
Estimating the weight of main material for 63/20kV transformers with Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
M Firouzfar, P Salah, SSK Madahi
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO …, 2010
Non-conventional transformers cost estimation using Neural Network
HR Reza-Alikhani, P Salah, SSK Madahi, S Akhlaghi
2010 International Conference on Future Power and Energy Engineering, 71-74, 2010
A new method to recognize the status of sic surge arresters in substations
SA Hosseini, F Razavi, M Karami, AA Ghadimi, SSK Madahi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5 (5), 2692-700, 2012
A new method to calculate residential consumer’s consumption using computer modeling
P Salah, SSK Madahi, HF Farahani, AA Ghadimi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5 (5), 1-5, 2012
Optimal Operating Strategy for Distributed Generation Considering Reliability Index of SAIDI
M Karami, SA Hosseini, RK Beigi, SSK Madahi, F Razavi, AA Ghadimi
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (2), 1147-1151, 2012
Adjusting the Transient Stability of Power System Using STATCOM-SMES Combined Compensator
J Ghahramani, SSK Madahi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 229, 1115-1119, 2012
„Optimization of Electric Field in 230 kV Power Transformers Bushing “
M Hassani, H Hafezinasab, SSK Madahi, M Alambeygi
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (5), 4939-4951, 2012
Optimal load shedding approach in distribution system for improved voltage stability and profile
M Firouzfar, M Abedini, MH Moradi, SSK Madahi
J of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (2), 1933-1940, 2012
Вишекритеријумска оптимална алокација дистрибуираних генераторских ресурса у дистрибутивној мрежи
S Karimi Madahi Seyed
Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2021
Indian Journal of Engineering
H Sarabadani, SSK Madahi
Indian Journal of Engineering 13 (31), 11-15, 2016
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Articles 1–20