wenjing Gao
wenjing Gao
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Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the …
K Silventoinen, A Jelenkovic, R Sund, YM Hur, Y Yokoyama, C Honda, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 104 (2), 371-379, 2016
Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts
A Jelenkovic, R Sund, YM Hur, Y Yokoyama, JB Hjelmborg, S Möller, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28496, 2016
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and accelerated DNA methylation aging
J Li, X Zhu, K Yu, H Jiang, Y Zhang, B Wang, X Liu, S Deng, J Hu, Q Deng, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 126 (6), 067005, 2018
Role of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infections in covid-19 pandemic
W Gao, J Lv, Y Pang, LM Li
bmj 375, 2021
Genetic contribution to the variance of blood pressure and heart rate: a systematic review and meta-regression of twin studies
B Wang, C Liao, B Zhou, W Cao, J Lv, C Yu, W Gao, L Li
Twin Research and Human Genetics 18 (2), 158-170, 2015
Antibody seroprevalence in the epicenter Wuhan, Hubei, and six selected provinces after containment of the first epidemic wave of COVID-19 in China
Z Li, X Guan, N Mao, H Luo, Y Qin, N He, Z Zhu, J Yu, Y Li, J Liu, Z An, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific 8, 2021
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular diseases: A Mendelian randomization study
H Peng, S Wang, M Wang, Y Ye, E Xue, X Chen, X Wang, M Fan, W Gao, ...
Metabolism 133, 155220, 2022
Determination of zygosity in adult Chinese twins using the 450K methylation array versus questionnaire data
B Wang, W Gao, C Yu, W Cao, J Lv, S Wang, Z Pang, L Cong, H Wang, ...
PLoS One 10 (4), e0123992, 2015
Determination of zygosity by questionnaire and physical features comparison in Chinese adult twins
W Gao, L Li, W Cao, S Zhan, J Lv, Y Qin, Z Pang, S Wang, W Chen, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 9 (2), 266-271, 2006
Genetic and environmental influences on blood pressure and body mass index in Han Chinese: a twin study
T Wu, H Snieder, L Li, W Cao, S Zhan, J Lv, W Gao, X Wang, X Ding, Y Hu
Hypertension Research 34 (2), 173-179, 2011
The association of cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking with body mass index: a cross-sectional, population-based study among Chinese adult male twins
C Liao, W Gao, W Cao, J Lv, C Yu, S Wang, B Zhou, Z Pang, L Cong, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-9, 2016
The Chinese national twin registry: An update
L Li, W Gao, C Yu, J Lv, W Cao, S Zhan, S Wang, C Wu, Y Hu
Twin Research and Human Genetics 16 (1), 86-90, 2013
The Chinese National Twin Registry: A ‘gold mine’for scientific research
W Gao, W Cao, J Lv, C Yu, T Wu, S Wang, L Meng, D Wang, Z Wang, ...
Journal of Internal Medicine 286 (3), 299-308, 2019
Association of educational level and marital status with obesity: a study of Chinese twins
C Liao, W Gao, W Cao, J Lv, C Yu, S Wang, C Li, Z Pang, L Cong, Z Dong, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 21 (2), 126-135, 2018
Genetic and environmental effects on weight, height, and BMI under 18 years in a Chinese population-based twin sample
Q Liu, C Yu, W Gao, W Cao, J Lyu, S Wang, Z Pang, L Cong, Z Dong, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 18 (5), 571-580, 2015
Age prediction of children and adolescents aged 6-17 years: an epigenome-wide analysis of DNA methylation
C Li, W Gao, Y Gao, C Yu, J Lv, R Lv, J Duan, Y Sun, X Guo, W Cao, L Li
Aging (Albany NY) 10 (5), 1015, 2018
Associations of body composition measurements with serum lipid, glucose and insulin profile: A Chinese twin study
C Liao, W Gao, W Cao, J Lv, C Yu, S Wang, B Zhou, Z Pang, L Cong, ...
PLoS One 10 (11), e0140595, 2015
Current status of the Chinese national twin registry
L Li, W Gao, J Lv, W Cao, S Zhan, H Yang, Y Hu
Twin Research and Human Genetics 9 (6), 747-752, 2006
Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infection in Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic
Y Wang, K Zheng, W Gao, J Lv, C Yu, L Wang, Z Wang, B Wang, C Liao, ...
Medical Review 2 (1), 66-88, 2022
Genetic and environmental influences on obesity-related phenotypes in Chinese twins reared apart and together
B Zhou, W Gao, J Lv, C Yu, S Wang, C Liao, Z Pang, L Cong, Z Dong, ...
Behavior genetics 45, 427-437, 2015
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