Christelle Paillon
Christelle Paillon
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Cited by
Otolith reading and multi-model inference for improved estimation of age and growth in the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (L.)
L Mercier, J Panfili, C Paillon, A N'diaye, D Mouillot, AM Darnaude
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92 (4), 534-545, 2011
Spatial variations in dietary organic matter sources modulate the size and condition of fish juveniles in temperate lagoon nursery sites
A Escalas, F Ferraton, C Paillon, G Vidy, F Carcaillet, C Salen-Picard, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 152, 78-90, 2015
Extent of mangrove nursery habitats determines the geographic distribution of a coral reef fish in a South-Pacific archipelago
C Paillon, L Wantiez, M Kulbicki, M Labonne, L Vigliola
PloS one 9 (8), e105158, 2014
Relationship between swimming capacities and morphological traits of fish larvae at settlement stage: a study of several coastal Mediterranean species
A Rossi, M Levaray, C Paillon, EDH Durieux, V Pasqualini, S Agostini
Journal of fish biology 95 (2), 348-356, 2019
Evaluating age and growth relationship to ciguatoxicity in five coral reef fish species from French Polynesia
HT Darius, C Paillon, G Mou-Tham, A Ung, P Cruchet, T Revel, J Viallon, ...
Marine Drugs 20 (4), 251, 2022
Atlas des Chondrichtyens de France métropolitaine-Cartographier la présence et la sensibilité des espèces réglementées dans le cadre du programme de mesures D01-PC-OE01-AN1 …
A Bisch, P Stephan, T Barreau, C Bousquet, É Durieux, S Elliott, S Mayot, ...
Rapport d'expertise de PatriNat et de l'Université de Corse, 2024
Etude de la connectivité entre les communautés de poissons de différents habitats du lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie par microchimie des otolithes et de l'environnement
C Paillon
Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, 2014
Chondrichthyans Distribution Atlas within North-Eastern Atlantic and French Mediterranean waters
A Bisch, P Stephan, T Barreau, C Bousquet, E Durieux, SAM Elliott, ...
European Elasmobranch Association Conference, 2024
Quantifying the role of mangroves for the blackspot snapper (Lutjanus fulviflamma) by otoliths microchemistry and UVC in a South-Pacific archipelago (New Caledonia).
C Paillon, L Wantiez, M Kulbicki, M Labonne, L Vigliola
5th International Otolith Symposium, 2014
Quantifying connectivity between mangroves and reefs by otolith microchemistry
C Paillon, L Vigliola, L Wantiez
12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 2012
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Articles 1–10