Ion‐induced amorphous and crystalline phase formation in Al/Ni, Al/Pd, and Al/Pt thin films LS Hung, M Nastasi, J Gyulai, JW Mayer Applied Physics Letters 42 (8), 672-674, 1983 | 231 | 1983 |
Kinetics of TiSi2 formation by thin Ti films on Si LS Hung, J Gyulai, JW Mayer, SS Lau, MA Nicolet Journal of applied physics 54 (9), 5076-5080, 1983 | 194 | 1983 |
Alloying Behavior of Au and Au–Ge on GaAs J Gyulai, JW Mayer, V Rodriguez, AYC Yu, HJ Gopen Journal of Applied Physics 42 (9), 3578-3585, 1971 | 156 | 1971 |
Improvement of crystalline quality of epitaxial Si layers by ion‐implantation techniques SS Lau, S Matteson, JW Mayer, P Revesz, J Gyulai, J Roth, TW Sigmon, ... Applied Physics Letters 34 (1), 76-78, 1979 | 153 | 1979 |
Outdiffusion through silicon oxide and silicon nitride layers on gallium arsenide J Gyulai, JW Mayer, IV Mitchell, V Rodriguez Applied Physics Letters 17 (8), 332-334, 1970 | 152 | 1970 |
Continuous carbon nanotube production in underwater AC electric arc LP Biró, ZE Horváth, L Szalmás, K Kertész, F Wéber, G Juhász, ... Chemical physics letters 372 (3-4), 399-402, 2003 | 131 | 2003 |
He-vacancy interactions in Si and their influence on bubble formation and evolution V Raineri, S Coffa, E Szilagyi, J Gyulai, E Rimini Physical Review B 61 (2), 937, 2000 | 129 | 2000 |
Y-branching of single walled carbon nanotubes P Nagy, R Ehlich, LP Biro, J Gyulai Applied Physics A 70, 481-483, 2000 | 127 | 2000 |
Comparative study of surface roughness measured on polysilicon using spectroscopic ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy P Petrik, LP Biró, M Fried, T Lohner, R Berger, C Schneider, J Gyulai, ... Thin Solid Films 315 (1-2), 186-191, 1998 | 118 | 1998 |
Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by irradiation Z Osváth, G Vértesy, L Tapasztó, F Wéber, ZE Horváth, J Gyulai, LP Biró Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (4), 045429, 2005 | 106 | 2005 |
Analysis of amorphous layers on silicon by backscattering and channeling effect measurements O Meyer, J Gyulai, JW Mayer Surface Science 22 (2), 263-276, 1970 | 105 | 1970 |
Simulation of STM images of three-dimensional surfaces and comparison with experimental data: Carbon nanotubes GI Márk, LP Biró, J Gyulai Physical Review B 58 (19), 12645, 1998 | 85 | 1998 |
Influence of Cu as an impurity in Al/Ti and Al/W thin‐film reactions I Krafcsik, J Gyulai, CJ Palmström, JW Mayer Applied physics letters 43 (11), 1015-1017, 1983 | 85 | 1983 |
Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) imaging of carbon nanotubes LP Biró, J Gyulai, P Lambin, JB Nagy, S Lazarescu, GI Márk, A Fonseca, ... Carbon 36 (5-6), 689-696, 1998 | 68 | 1998 |
Ion Implantation in Semiconductors: Proceedings of the II. International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors, Physics and Technology, Fundamental and Applied … I Ruge, J Graul Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Ellipsometric study of polycrystalline silicon films prepared by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition P Petrik, T Lohner, M Fried, LP Biró, NQ Khánh, J Gyulai, W Lehnert, ... Journal of Applied Physics 87 (4), 1734-1742, 2000 | 66 | 2000 |
Ion implantation in semiconductors JW Mayer 1973 International Electron Devices Meeting, 3-5, 1973 | 66* | 1973 |
Evaluation of Silicon Nitride Layers of Various Composition by Backscattering and Channeling‐Effect Measurements J Gyulai, O Meyer, JW Mayer, V Rodriguez Journal of Applied Physics 42 (1), 451-456, 1971 | 66* | 1971 |
Catalyst traces and other impurities in chemically purified carbon nanotubes grown by CVD LP Biro, NQ Khanh, Z Vertesy, ZE Horvath, Z Osvath, A Koos, J Gyulai, ... Materials Science and Engineering: C 19 (1-2), 9-13, 2002 | 65 | 2002 |
Crystal orientation dependence of residual disorder in As− implanted Si H Müller, WK Chu, J Gyulai, JW Mayer, TW Sigmon, TR Cass Applied Physics Letters 26 (6), 292-294, 1975 | 53 | 1975 |