XIAN Jiaotng University
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Cited by
Battling the extreme: A study on the power system resilience
Z Bie, Y Lin, G Li, F Li
Proceedings of the IEEE 105 (7), 1253-1266, 2017
A two-stage robust reactive power optimization considering uncertain wind power integration in active distribution networks
T Ding, S Liu, W Yuan, Z Bie, B Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (1), 301-311, 2015
Microgrids for enhancing the power grid resilience in extreme conditions
X Liu, M Shahidehpour, Z Li, X Liu, Y Cao, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (2), 589-597, 2016
A resilient microgrid formation strategy for load restoration considering master-slave distributed generators and topology reconfiguration
T Ding, Y Lin, Z Bie, C Chen
Applied energy 199, 205-216, 2017
Reliability evaluation of active distribution systems including microgrids
Z Bie, P Zhang, G Li, B Hua, M Meehan, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on power systems 27 (4), 2342-2350, 2012
A new model for resilient distribution systems by microgrids formation
T Ding, Y Lin, G Li, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (5), 4145-4147, 2017
Tri-level optimal hardening plan for a resilient distribution system considering reconfiguration and DG islanding
Y Lin, Z Bie
Applied Energy 210, 1266-1279, 2018
Risk analysis for distribution systems in the northeast US under wind storms
G Li, P Zhang, PB Luh, W Li, Z Bie, C Serna, Z Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (2), 889-898, 2013
A two-stage robust optimization for centralized-optimal dispatch of photovoltaic inverters in active distribution networks
T Ding, C Li, Y Yang, J Jiang, Z Bie, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (2), 744-754, 2016
Multi-stage stochastic programming with nonanticipativity constraints for expansion of combined power and natural gas systems
T Ding, Y Hu, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 317-328, 2017
Robust distribution network reconfiguration
C Lee, C Liu, S Mehrotra, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2), 836-842, 2014
An NSGA-II based multi-objective optimization for combined gas and electricity network expansion planning
Y Hu, Z Bie, T Ding, Y Lin
Applied energy 167, 280-293, 2016
Robust co-optimization planning of interdependent electricity and natural gas systems with a joint N-1 and probabilistic reliability criterion
C He, L Wu, T Liu, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (2), 2140-2154, 2017
Day-ahead dispatch of integrated electricity and natural gas system considering reserve scheduling and renewable uncertainties
F Liu, Z Bie, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (2), 646-658, 2018
A data-driven stochastic reactive power optimization considering uncertainties in active distribution networks and decomposition method
T Ding, Q Yang, Y Yang, C Li, Z Bie, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4994-5004, 2017
Reliability evaluation of integrated energy systems based on smart agent communication
G Li, Z Bie, Y Kou, J Jiang, M Bettinelli
Applied energy 167, 397-406, 2016
A combined repair crew dispatch problem for resilient electric and natural gas system considering reconfiguration and DG islanding
Y Lin, B Chen, J Wang, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 2755-2767, 2019
别朝红, 王锡凡
电力系统自动化 21 (6), 68-75, 1997
Concept and research prospects of power system resilience
Z Bie, Y Lin, A Qiu
Automation of Electric Power Systems 39 (22), 1-9, 2015
Toward a synthetic model for distribution system restoration and crew dispatch
B Chen, Z Ye, C Chen, J Wang, T Ding, Z Bie
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (3), 2228-2239, 2018
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Articles 1–20