Christopher Laughman
Christopher Laughman
Senior Principal Research Staff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
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Power signature analysis
C Laughman, K Lee, R Cox, S Shaw, S Leeb, L Norford, P Armstrong
IEEE power and energy magazine 1 (2), 56-63, 2003
Modelingtoolkit: A composable graph transformation system for equation-based modeling
Y Ma, S Gowda, R Anantharaman, C Laughman, V Shah, C Rackauckas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05244, 2021
Conceptual design study for heat exhaust management in the ARC fusion pilot plant
AQ Kuang, NM Cao, AJ Creely, CA Dennett, J Hecla, B LaBombard, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 137, 221-242, 2018
Detection of rooftop cooling unit faults based on electrical measurements
PR Armstrong, CR Laughman, SB Leeb, LK Norford
HVAC&R Research 12 (1), 151-175, 2006
A Kalman-filter spectral envelope preprocessor
SR Shaw, CR Laughman
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 56 (5), 2010-2017, 2007
HVAC control system
D Nikovski, C Laughman
US Patent 8,412,381, 2013
Diagnostic indicators for shipboard systems using non-intrusive load monitoring
T DeNucci, R Cox, SB Leeb, J Paris, TJ McCoy, C Laughman, WC Greene
IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, 2005., 413-420, 2005
Extremum seeking control for energy optimization of vapor compression systems
D Burns, C Laughman
Scalable Bayesian optimization for model calibration: Case study on coupled building and HVAC dynamics
A Chakrabarty, E Maddalena, H Qiao, C Laughman
Energy and Buildings 253, 111460, 2021
An advanced switching moving boundary heat exchanger model with pressure drop
H Qiao, CR Laughman, V Aute, R Radermacher
International journal of refrigeration 65, 154-171, 2016
Optimization of circuitry arrangements for heat exchangers using derivative-free optimization
N Ploskas, C Laughman, AU Raghunathan, NV Sahinidis
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 131, 16-28, 2018
A power quality prediction system
SR Shaw, CR Laughman, SB Leeb, RF Lepard
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 47 (3), 511-517, 2000
Advanced nonintrusive monitoring of electric loads
C Laughman, D Lee, R Cox, S Shaw, S Leeb, L Norford, P Armstrong
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 56-63, 2003
Calibrating building simulation models using multi-source datasets and meta-learned Bayesian optimization
S Zhan, G Wichern, C Laughman, A Chong, A Chakrabarty
Energy and Buildings 270, 112278, 2022
Accelerating self-optimization control of refrigerant cycles with Bayesian optimization and adaptive moment estimation
A Chakrabarty, C Danielson, SA Bortoff, CR Laughman
Applied Thermal Engineering 197, 117335, 2021
Method for reconstructing 3D scenes from 2D images
S Ramalingam, Y Taguchi, JK Pillai, DJ Burns, CR Laughman
US Patent 9,595,134, 2017
Accelerating simulation of stiff nonlinear systems using continuous-time echo state networks
R Anantharaman, Y Ma, S Gowda, C Laughman, V Shah, A Edelman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04004, 2020
Fault detection and diagnostics for non-intrusive monitoring using motor harmonics
UA Orji, Z Remscrim, C Laughman, SB Leeb, W Wichakool, C Schantz, ...
2010 twenty-fifth annual IEEE applied power electronics conference and …, 2010
Composing modeling and simulation with machine learning in Julia
C Rackauckas, M Gwozdz, A Jain, Y Ma, F Martinuzzi, U Rajput, E Saba, ...
2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), 1-17, 2022
VABO: Violation-aware Bayesian optimization for closed-loop control performance optimization with unmodeled constraints
W Xu, CN Jones, B Svetozarevic, CR Laughman, A Chakrabarty
2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 5288-5293, 2022
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Articles 1–20