Yared Assefa
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Cited by
Grain Sorghum Water Requirement and Responses to Drought Stress: A Review
Y Assefa, SA Staggenborg, VPV Prasad
Crop Management, doi:10.1094/CM-2010-1109-, 2010
Yield responses to planting density for US modern corn hybrids: A synthesis‐analysis
Y Assefa, PV Vara Prasad, P Carter, M Hinds, G Bhalla, R Schon, ...
Crop Science 56 (5), 2802-2817, 2016
Cover crop for early season weed suppression in crops: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
OA Osipitan, JA Dille, Y Assefa, SZ Knezevic
Agronomy Journal 110 (6), 2211-2221, 2018
Analysis of long term study indicates both agronomic optimal plant density and increase maize yield per plant contributed to yield gain
Y Assefa, P Carter, M Hinds, G Bhalla, R Schon, M Jeschke, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4937, 2018
Impact of cover crop management on level of weed suppression: a meta‐analysis
OA Osipitan, JA Dille, Y Assefa, E Radicetti, A Ayeni, SZ Knezevic
Crop Science 59 (3), 833-842, 2019
Assessing variation in US soybean seed composition (protein and oil)
Y Assefa, LC Purcell, M Salmeron, S Naeve, SN Casteel, P Kovács, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 298, 2019
Nutrient partitioning and stoichiometry in soybean: A synthesis-analysis
S Tamagno, GR Balboa, Y Assefa, P Kovács, SN Casteel, F Salvagiotti, ...
Field Crops Research 200, 18-27, 2017
Major management factors determining spring and winter canola yield in North America
Y Assefa, PVV Prasad, C Foster, Y Wright, S Young, P Bradley, M Stamm, ...
Crop Science 58 (1), 1-16, 2018
Mid-season high-resolution satellite imagery for forecasting site-specific corn yield
NR Peralta, Y Assefa, J Du, CJ Barden, IA Ciampitti
Remote Sensing 8 (10), 848, 2016
Spatial characterization of soybean yield and quality (amino acids, oil, and protein) for United States
Y Assefa, N Bajjalieh, S Archontoulis, S Casteel, D Davidson, P Kovács, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14653, 2018
Early-season stand count determination in corn via integration of imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and supervised learning techniques
S Varela, PR Dhodda, WH Hsu, PV Prasad, Y Assefa, NR Peralta, T Griffin, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 343, 2018
Maize yield and planting date relationship: A synthesis-analysis for US high-yielding contest-winner and field research data
NV Long, Y Assefa, R Schwalbert, IA Ciampitti
Frontiers in plant science 8, 2106, 2017
Grain sorghum yield with hybrid advancement and changes in agronomic practices from 1957 through 2008
Y Assefa, SA Staggenborg
Agronomy Journal 102 (2), 703-706, 2010
Changes in soil nutrients after 10 years of cattle manure and swine effluent application
AJ Schlegel, Y Assefa, HD Bond, LA Haag, LR Stone
Soil and Tillage Research 172, 48-58, 2017
Long‐term tillage on yield and water use of grain sorghum and winter wheat
AJ Schlegel, Y Assefa, LA Haag, CR Thompson, LR Stone
Agronomy Journal 110 (1), 269-280, 2018
A new insight into corn yield: Trends from 1987 through 2015
Y Assefa, PVV Prasad, P Carter, M Hinds, G Bhalla, R Schon, M Jeschke, ...
Crop Science 57 (5), 2799-2811, 2017
Corn and grain sorghum comparison: All things considered.
Y Assefa, K Roozeboom, C Thompson, A Schlegel, L Stone, ...
Elsevier, 57-70, 2014
Crop diversification in rice-based systems in the polders of Bangladesh: Yield stability, profitability, and associated risk
Y Assefa, S Yadav, MK Mondal, J Bhattacharya, R Parvin, SR Sarker, ...
Agricultural Systems 187, 102986, 2021
Winter canola yield and survival as a function of environment, genetics, and management
Y Assefa, K Roozeboom, M Stamm
Crop Science 54 (5), 2303-2313, 2014
Spatio-temporal evaluation of plant height in corn via unmanned aerial systems
S Varela, Y Assefa, PV Vara Prasad, NR Peralta, TW Griffin, A Sharda, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (3), 036013-036013, 2017
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Articles 1–20