Cigdem Ulubas Serce
Cigdem Ulubas Serce
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
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Further characterization of a new recombinant group of Plum pox virus isolates, PPV-T, found in orchards in the Ankara province of Turkey
ÇU Serçe, T Candresse, L Svanella-Dumas, L Krizbai, M Gazel, ...
Virus Research 142 (1-2), 121-126, 2009
Multilocus sequence analysis reveals the genetic diversity of European fruit tree phytoplasmas and supports the existence of inter-species recombination
JL Danet, G Balakishiyeva, A Cimerman, N Sauvion, V Marie-Jeanne, ...
Microbiology 157 (2), 438-450, 2011
Detection of four apple viruses by ELISA and RT-PCR assays in Turkey
K Çağlayan, ÇU SERÇE, M Gazel, W Jelkmann
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 30 (4), 241-246, 2006
Characterization of hypovirulent isolates of the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica from the Marmara and Black Sea regions of Turkey
S Akıllı, Ç Ulubaş Serçe, YZ Katırcıoğlu, S Maden, D Rigling
European Journal of Plant Pathology 135, 323-334, 2013
Involvement of Phytophthora spp. in chestnut decline in the Black Sea region of Turkey
S Akıllı, ÇU Serçe, YZ Katı rcıoğlu, S Maden
Forest Pathology 42 (5), 377-386, 2012
Involvement of Phytophthora citrophthora in Kiwifruit Decline in Turkey
Sİ Akilli, ÇİU Serçe, Y Zekaİ Katircioğlu, Aİ Karakaya, Sİ Maden
Journal of Phytopathology 159 (7‐8), 579-581, 2011
New disease caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum devastates tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) in Turkey
Ş Türkölmez, S Derviş, O Çiftçi, ÇU Serçe, M Dikilitas
Crop Protection 118, 21-30, 2019
Phytoplasma diseases of fruit trees in germplasm and commercial orchards in Turkey
ÇU Serçe, M Gazel, K Çaglayan, M Baş, L Son
Journal of Plant Pathology, 179-185, 2006
Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) status in Turkey and sensitive detection using advanced techniques
ÇU SERÇE, F Ertunç
Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry 29 (4), 251-257, 2005
Characterization of bacterial knot disease caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi on pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) trees: a new host of the …
IA Bozkurt, S Soylu, M Mirik, C Ulubas Serce, Ö Baysal
Letters in applied microbiology 59 (5), 520-527, 2014
Detection of fig mosaic virus in viruliferous eriophyid mite Aceri ficus
K Caglayan, E Elci, CU Serce, K Kaya, M Gazel, V Medina
Journal of Plant Pathology, 629-634, 2012
Prune dwarf virus
K Çağlayan, C Ulubas-Serce, M Gazel, C Varveri
Virus and virus-like diseases of pome and stone fruits, 199-205, 2011
Identification and Genomic Variability of Prune dwarf virus Variants Infecting Stone Fruit Trees in Turkey
Ç Ulubaş Serçe, F Ertunç, A ÖZtürk
Journal of phytopathology 157 (5), 298-305, 2009
Phytophthora dieback on narrow leaved ash in the Black Sea region of Turkey
S Akilli, Ç Ulubaş Serçe, YZ Katırcıoğlu, S Maden
Forest Pathology 43 (3), 252-256, 2013
Detection and characterization of Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) by DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR/RFLP analysis in Turkey
G Sertkaya, ÇU SERÇE, K Çağlayan
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 27 (4), 213-220, 2003
First Report of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum Causing Canker, Shoot Blight, and Root Rot of Pistachio in Turkey
S Derviş, Ş Türkölmez, O Çiftçi, Ç Ulubaş Serçe, M Dikilitas
Plant Disease 103 (6), 1411-1411, 2019
Genetic diversity and molecular epidemiology of the T strain of Plum pox virus
S Teber, A Ceylan, K Gürcan, T Candresse, Ç Ulubaş Serçe, M Akbulut, ...
Plant Pathology 68 (4), 755-763, 2019
Putative agents of fig mosaic disease in Turkey
K Çağlayan, V Medina, M Gazel, ÇU Serçe, L Serrano, A Achon, S Soylu, ...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 33 (5), 469-476, 2009
Sequence variability of Hop stunt viroid isolates from stone fruits in Turkey
M Gazel, CU Serce, K Caglayan, F Faggioli
Journal of Plant Pathology, 23-28, 2008
Comparison by sequence-based and electron microscopic analyses of Fig mosaic virus isolates obtained from field and experimentally inoculated fig plants
K Çağlayan, ÇU Serçe, E Barutçu, K Kaya, V Medina, M Gazel, S Soylu, ...
Plant Disease 94 (12), 1448-1452, 2010
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Articles 1–20