Helene Bie Lilleør
Helene Bie Lilleør
Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
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Cited by
Impact of Village Savings and Loan Associations: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial
C Ksoll, HB Lilleør, JH Lønborg, OD Rasmussen
Journal of Development Economics 120, 70-85, 2016
Economic drivers of migration and climate change in LDCs
HB Lilleør, K Van den Broeck
Global environmental change 21, S70-S81, 2011
Beyond the field: The impact of farmer field schools on food security and poverty alleviation
AF Larsen, HB Lilleør
World Development 64, 843-859, 2014
Going back home: Internal return migration in rural Tanzania
K Hirvonen, HB Lilleør
World Development 70, 186-202, 2015
Voluntary public unemployment insurance
DO Parsons, T Tranæs, HB Lilleør
CESIFO working paper, 2003
Kagera health and development survey 2010: Basic information document
J De Weerdt, K Beegle, HB Lilleør, S Dercon, K Hirvonen, M Kirchberger, ...
Study paper 46, 2012
Fetal Origins of Personality: Effects of early life circumstances on adult personality traits
S Krutikova, H Lilleør
University of Oxford, 2015
Family disruption and social, emotional and behavioral functioning in middle childhood
HLF Eriksen, C Hvidtfeldt, HB Lilleør
Journal of child and family studies 26, 1077-1089, 2017
Weather insurance in semi-arid India
HB Lilleor, X Giné, R Townsend, J Vickery
World Bank Working Paper, 2005
Farmers' Choice: Evaluating an Approach to Agricultural Technology Adoption in Tanzania
HB Lilleør, U Lund-Sørensen
Practical Action Publishing, 2013
Weather insurance in semi-arid India
X Gine, HB Lilleor, RM Townsend, J Vickery
Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, May, 23-24, 2005
Can agricultural interventions improve child nutrition? Evidence from Tanzania
AF Larsen, HB Lilleør
The World Bank Economic Review 31 (3), 767-785, 2017
Beyond the field: Impact of Farmer Field Schools on food security and poverty alleviation
HB Lilleør, AF Larsen
Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, 2013
Human Capital Diversification within the Household. Findings from Rural Tanzania.
HB Lille0r
CAM working paper, 2008
Informal institutions and intergenerational contracts: Evidence from schooling and remittances in rural Tanzania
DD Lassen, HB Lilleør
CAM, Centre for Applied Microeconometrics, 2008
Evaluation of the RIPAT concept
C Aben, D Duveskog, E Friis-Hansen, HB Lilleør, U Lund-Sørensen
Farmers’ Choice. Practical Action Publishing, 2013
Social constraints on the adoption of improved banana varieties in Arumeru District
Q Gausset, AF Larsen, HB Lilleør, U Lund-Sørensen
Farmers’ Choice. Evaluating an Approach to Technology Adoption in Tanzania …, 2013
Social policies and activation in the Scandinavian welfare model: the case of Denmark
TM Andersen
Indskolingselevers trivsel og faglige kompetencer
HLF Eriksen, C Hvidtfeldt, HB Lilleør
Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2016
The Impact of Community-Managed Microfinance in Rural Malawi. Evidence from a Cluster Randomized Control Trial
C Ksoll, HB Lilleor, JH Lonborg, OD Rasmussen
Manuscript, University of Southern Denmark, 2012
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Articles 1–20