Angeline G. Burrell
Angeline G. Burrell
Naval Research Laboratory, Space Science Division
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Behavior of the O+/H+ transition height during the extreme solar minimum of 2008
RA Heelis, WR Coley, AG Burrell, MR Hairston, GD Earle, MD Perdue, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (18), 2009
Observations of quiet time vertical ion drift in the equatorial ionosphere during the solar minimum period of 2009
RA Stoneback, RA Heelis, AG Burrell, WR Coley, BG Fejer, E Pacheco
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A12), 2011
Snakes on a spaceship—An overview of python in heliophysics
AG Burrell, A Halford, J Klenzing, RA Stoneback, SK Morley, AM Annex, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (12), 10,384-10,402, 2018
Characteristics of low‐latitude ionospheric depletions and enhancements during solar minimum
RA Haaser, GD Earle, RA Heelis, J Klenzing, R Stoneback, WR Coley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A10), 2012
Observations of low‐latitude plasma density enhancements and their associated plasma drifts
JH Klenzing, DE Rowland, RF Pfaff, G Le, H Freudenreich, RA Haaser, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A9), 2011
Total electron content processing from GPS observations to facilitate ionospheric modeling
AG Burrell, NA Bonito, CS Carrano
GPS solutions 13, 83-95, 2009
AMPERE polar cap boundaries
AG Burrell, G Chisham, SE Milan, L Kilcommons, YJ Chen, EG Thomas, ...
Annales Geophysicae 38 (2), 481-490, 2020
Exploring the role of ionospheric drivers during the extreme solar minimum of 2008
J Klenzing, AG Burrell, RA Heelis, JD Huba, R Pfaff, F Simões
Annales Geophysicae 31 (12), 2147-2156, 2013
Seasonal and temporal variations of field‐aligned currents and ground magnetic deflections during substorms
C Forsyth, M Shortt, JC Coxon, IJ Rae, MP Freeman, NME Kalmoni, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (4), 2696-2713, 2018
Identification of Jupiter’s magnetic equator through H3+ ionospheric emission
TS Stallard, AG Burrell, H Melin, LN Fletcher, S Miller, L Moore, ...
Nature Astronomy 2 (10), 773-777, 2018
Topside ionospheric electron temperature observations of the 21 August 2017 eclipse by DMSP spacecraft
MR Hairston, S Mrak, WR Coley, A Burrell, B Holt, M Perdue, M Depew, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (15), 7242-7247, 2018
Automatically determining the origin direction and propagation mode of high-frequency radar backscatter
AG Burrell, SE Milan, GW Perry, TK Yeoman, M Lester
Radio Science 50 (12), 1225-1245, 2015
PYSAT: Python satellite data analysis toolkit
RA Stoneback, AG Burrell, J Klenzing, MD Depew
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (6), 5271-5283, 2018
The influence of hemispheric asymmetries on field‐aligned ion drifts at the geomagnetic equator
AG Burrell, RA Heelis
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (19), 2012
Correction of the photoelectron heating efficiency within the global ionosphere‐thermosphere model using Retrospective Cost Model Refinement
AG Burrell, A Goel, AJ Ridley, DS Bernstein
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 124, 30-38, 2015
Application usability levels: A framework for tracking project product progress
AJ Halford, AC Kellerman, K Garcia-Sage, J Klenzing, BA Carter, ...
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 9, A34, 2019
Quantifying the Lobe Reconnection Rate During Dominant IMF By Periods and Different Dipole Tilt Orientations
JP Reistad, KM Laundal, N Østgaard, A Ohma, AG Burrell, SM Hatch, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (11), e2021JA029742, 2021
Phase calibration of interferometer arrays at high‐frequency radars
AG Burrell, TK Yeoman, SE Milan, M Lester
Radio Science 51 (9), 1445-1456, 2016
Latitude and local time variations of topside magnetic field‐aligned ion drifts at solar minimum
AG Burrell, RA Heelis, RA Stoneback
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A11), 2011
Comparison of interferometer calibration techniques for improved SuperDARN elevation angles
G Chisham, AG Burrell, A Marchaudon, SG Shepherd, EG Thomas, ...
Polar Science 28, 100638, 2021
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Articles 1–20