Ilaria Torre
Ilaria Torre
Assistant Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
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Cited by
Can you tell the robot by the voice? An exploratory study on the role of voice in the perception of robots
C McGinn, I Torre
2019 14th ACM/IEEE international Conference on human-robot interaction (HRI …, 2019
Trust in artificial voices: A" congruency effect" of first impressions and behavioural experience
I Torre, J Goslin, L White, D Zanatto
Proceedings of the technology, mind, and society, 1-6, 2018
If your device could smile: People trust happy-sounding artificial agents more
I Torre, J Goslin, L White
Computers in Human Behavior 105, 106215, 2020
Using explainability to help children understandgender bias in AI
GI Melsión, I Torre, E Vidal, I Leite
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
The effect of multimodal emotional expression and agent appearance on trust in human-agent interaction
I Torre, E Carrigan, R McDonnell, K Domijan, K McCabe, N Harte
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and …, 2019
How context shapes the appropriateness of a robot’s voice
I Torre, AB Latupeirissa, C McGinn
2020 29th ieee international conference on robot and human interactive …, 2020
15 years of (who) man robot interaction: Reviewing the h in human-robot interaction
K Winkle, E Lagerstedt, I Torre, A Offenwanger
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 12 (3), 1-28, 2023
Introducing amus: The amused speech database
K El Haddad, I Torre, E Gilmartin, H Çakmak, S Dupont, T Dutoit, ...
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: 5th International Conference …, 2017
Trust in vocal human–robot interaction: Implications for robot voice design
I Torre, L White
Voice attractiveness: Studies on sexy, likable, and charismatic speakers …, 2021
Encoding human driving styles in motion planning for autonomous vehicles
J Karlsson, S van Waveren, C Pek, I Torre, I Leite, J Tumova
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1050-1056, 2021
Building and designing expressive speech synthesis
MP Aylett, L Clark, BR Cowan, I Torre
The Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents: 20 years of Research on …, 2021
Asking follow-up clarifications to resolve ambiguities in human-robot conversation
FI Doğan, I Torre, I Leite
2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2022
Should robots have accents?
I Torre, S Le Maguer
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2020
Survival at the museum: A cooperation experiment with emotionally expressive virtual characters
I Torre, E Carrigan, K McCabe, R McDonnell, N Harte
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …, 2018
Openness across disciplines: Reflecting on a multiple disciplinary summer school
I Torre, K Łucznik, KB Francis, DS Maranan, F Loesche, RB Figueroa Jr, ...
Open (ing) Education, 300-328, 2020
Investing in accents: How does experience mediate trust attributions to different voices?
I Torre, J Goslin, L White
ICPhS, 2015
Robo-identity: Exploring artificial identity and multi-embodiment
M Lee, D Kontogiorgos, I Torre, M Luria, R Tejwani, MJ Dennis, A Pereira
Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2021
Behavioural mediation of prosodic cues to implicit judgements of trustworthiness
I Torre, L White, J Goslin
Speech Prosody 2016, 2016
Production and perception of smiling voice
I Torre
Proceedings of the First Postgraduate and Academic Researchers in …, 2014
Real-Time RRT* with Signal Temporal Logic Preferences
A Linard, I Torre, E Bartoli, A Sleat, I Leite, J Tumova
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
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Articles 1–20