Malissa Clark
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Antecedents of work–family conflict: A meta‐analytic review
JS Michel, LM Kotrba, JK Mitchelson, MA Clark, BB Baltes
Journal of organizational behavior 32 (5), 689-725, 2011
All work and no play? A meta-analytic examination of the correlates and outcomes of workaholism
MA Clark, JS Michel, L Zhdanova, SY Pui, BB Baltes
Journal of Management 42 (7), 1836-1873, 2016
Pandemics: Implications for research and practice in industrial and organizational psychology
CW Rudolph, B Allan, M Clark, G Hertel, A Hirschi, F Kunze, K Shockley, ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 14 (1-2), 1-35, 2021
Leadership and organizational culture: Linking CEO characteristics to cultural values
TR Giberson, CJ Resick, MW Dickson, JK Mitchelson, KR Randall, ...
Journal of Business and Psychology 24, 123-137, 2009
Work-family strategies during COVID-19: Examining gender dynamics among dual-earner couples with young children.
KM Shockley, MA Clark, H Dodd, EB King
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (1), 15, 2021
Beyond the Big Five: How narcissism, perfectionism, and dispositional affect relate to workaholism
MA Clark, AM Lelchook, ML Taylor
Personality and Individual differences 48 (7), 786-791, 2010
Attitudes toward women’s work and family roles in the United States, 1976–2013
K Donnelly, JM Twenge, MA Clark, SK Shaikh, A Beiler-May, NT Carter
Psychology of Women Quarterly 40 (1), 41-54, 2016
“I feel your pain”: A critical review of organizational research on empathy
MA Clark, MM Robertson, S Young
Journal of Organizational Behavior 40 (2), 166-192, 2019
A meta‐analysis of the interrelationships between employee lateness, absenteeism, and turnover: Implications for models of withdrawal behavior
CM Berry, AM Lelchook, MA Clark
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (5), 678-699, 2012
Violating work-family boundaries: Reactions to interruptions at work and home
EM Hunter, MA Clark, DS Carlson
Journal of management 45 (3), 1284-1308, 2019
The Multidimensional Workaholism Scale: Linking the conceptualization and measurement of workaholism.
MA Clark, RW Smith, NJ Haynes
Journal of Applied psychology 105 (11), 1281, 2020
The role of the Five Factor Model of personality in the perceptions of negative and positive forms of work–nonwork spillover: A meta-analytic review
JS Michel, MA Clark, D Jaramillo
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (1), 191-203, 2011
Has it been affect all along? A test of work-to-family and family-to-work models of conflict, enrichment, and satisfaction
JS Michel, MA Clark
Personality and individual Differences 47 (3), 163-168, 2009
Organizational support factors and work–family outcomes: Exploring gender differences
MA Clark, CW Rudolph, L Zhdanova, JS Michel, BB Baltes
Journal of Family Issues 38 (11), 1520-1545, 2017
Work-life balance: The roles of work-family conflict and work-family facilitation
BB Baltes, MA Clark, M Chakrabarti
Workaholism, work engagement and work–home outcomes: Exploring the mediating role of positive and negative emotions
MA Clark, JS Michel, GW Stevens, JW Howell, RS Scruggs
Stress and Health 30 (4), 287-300, 2014
Racial/ethnic differences in the criterion-related validity of cognitive ability tests: A qualitative and quantitative review.
CM Berry, MA Clark, TK McClure
Journal of applied psychology 96 (5), 881, 2011
Examining the relationships between personality, coping strategies, and work–family conflict
BB Baltes, LS Zhdanova, MA Clark
Journal of Business and Psychology 26, 517-530, 2011
Team composition, cognition, and effectiveness: Examining mental model similarity and accuracy.
CJ Resick, MW Dickson, JK Mitchelson, LK Allison, MA Clark
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 14 (2), 174, 2010
Strategies for coping with work stressors and family stressors: Scale development and validation
MA Clark, JS Michel, RJ Early, BB Baltes
Journal of Business and Psychology 29, 617-638, 2014
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Articles 1–20