Articles with public access mandates - Shalini TrivediLearn more
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Curcumin and β-caryophellene attenuate cadmium quantum dots induced oxidative stress and lethality in Caenorhabditis elegans model system
S Srivastava, A Pant, S Trivedi, R Pandey
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 42, 55-62, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
1-Methyl-4-propan-2-ylbenzene from Thymus vulgaris Attenuates Cholinergic Dysfunction
SR Sammi, S Trivedi, SK Rath, A Nagar, S Tandon, A Kalra, R Pandey
Molecular Neurobiology 54, 5468-5481, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
5-Desmethylnobiletin augments synaptic ACh levels and nicotinic ACh receptor activity: A potential candidate for alleviation of cholinergic dysfunction
S Trivedi, P Maurya, SR Sammi, MM Gupta, R Pandey
Neuroscience letters 657, 84-90, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Citrus hystrix-derived 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enal and 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enyl acetate ameliorate acetylcholine deficits
SR Sammi, DP Mishra, S Trivedi, SS Smita, A Nagar, S Tandon, ...
RSC advances 6 (73), 68870-68884, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
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Silymarin promotes longevity and alleviates Parkinson’s associated pathologies in Caenorhabditis elegans
S Srivastava, SR Sammi, TS Laxman, A Pant, A Nagar, S Trivedi, ...
Journal of functional foods 31, 32-43, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Wedelolactone mitigates parkinsonism via alleviating oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction through NRF2/SKN-1
S Sharma, S Trivedi, T Pandey, S Ranjan, M Trivedi, R Pandey
Molecular neurobiology 58 (1), 65-77, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
5′-Hydroxy-6, 7, 8, 3′, 4′-pentamethoxyflavone extends longevity mediated by DR-induced autophagy and oxidative stress resistance in C. elegans
S Trivedi, R Pandey
Geroscience 43, 759-772, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Trachyspermum ammi L. (Carom) Oil Induces Alterations in SOD-3, GST-4 Expression and Prolongs Lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
L Rathor, A Pant, A Nagar, S Tandon, S Trivedi, R Pandey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological …, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
A Bioactive compound Shatavarin IV-mediated longevity as revealed by dietary restriction-induced autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans
SS Smita, S Trivedi, T Pandey, M Trivedi, R Pandey
Biogerontology 21, 827-844, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
PARG and BRCA1–BARD1 cooperative function regulates DNA repair pathway choice during gametogenesis
S Trivedi, J Blazícková, N Silva
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (21), 12291-12308, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Phosphorylation of HORMA-domain protein HTP-3 at Serine 285 is dispensable for crossover formation
D Das, S Trivedi, J Blazícková, S Arur, N Silva
G3 12 (5), jkac079, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Continuous double-strand break induction and their differential processing sustain chiasma formation during Caenorhabditis elegans meiosis
T Hicks, S Trivedi, M Eppert, R Bowman, H Tian, A Dafalla, C Crahan, ...
Cell Reports 40 (13), 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Towards the development of phytoextract based healthy ageing cognitive booster formulation, explored through Caenorhabditis elegans model
R Pandey, D Mani, K Shanker, DU Bawankule, D Chanda, RK Lal, A Pal, ...
The Nucleus 65 (3), 303-320, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Phenolic monoterpene Bakuchiol ameliorates age related Parkinsonism
S Ranjan, S Khan, S Sharma, M Trivedi, S TRIVEDI, R Pandey
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Distinct intersecting pathways link homolog pairing to initiation of meiotic chromosome synapsis
J Blazickova, S Trivedi, R Bowman, SS Geetha, S Subah, S Smolikove, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.03. 11.584447, 2024
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Austrian …
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