R Sivanandan
R Sivanandan
Retd. - IIT Madras
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Travel time prediction under heterogeneous traffic conditions using global positioning system data from buses
L Vanajakshi, SC Subramanian, R Sivanandan
IET intelligent transport systems 3 (1), 1-9, 2009
A linear programming approach for synthesizing origin-destination trip tables from link traffic volumes
HD Sherali, R Sivanandan, AG Hobeika
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 28 (3), 213-233, 1994
Estimation of origin–destination trip-tables based on a partial set of traffic link volumes
HD Sherali, A Narayanan, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 37 (9), 815-836, 2003
Evaluation of different vehicle following models under mixed traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, G Asaithambi, CHN Kumar, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 104, 390-401, 2013
Study of traffic flow characteristics using different vehicle-following models under mixed traffic conditions
G Asaithambi, V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation letters 10 (2), 92-103, 2018
Modeling of Real Time Exhaust Emissions of Passenger Cars Under Heterogenous Traffic Conditions
R Jaikumar, SM Shiva Nagendra, R Sivanandan
Bus travel time prediction using GPS data
Y Ramakrishna, P Ramakrishna, V Lakshmanan, R Sivanandan
Proceedings Map India, 2006
Modal analysis of real-time, real world vehicular exhaust emissions under heterogeneous traffic conditions
R Jaikumar, SMS Nagendra, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 54, 397-409, 2017
Development of microscopic simulation model for heterogeneous traffic using object oriented approach
K Venkatesan, A Gowri, R Sivanandan
Transportmetrica 4 (3), 227-247, 2008
Modeling vehicular merging behavior under heterogeneous traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation research record 2188 (1), 140-147, 2010
Object-oriented methodology for intersection simulation model under heterogeneous traffic conditions
A Gowri, K Venkatesan, R Sivanandan
Advances in Engineering Software 40 (10), 1000-1010, 2009
Real-time traffic diversion model: Conceptual approach
AG Hobeika, R Sivanandan, S Subramaniam, K Ozbay, Y Zhang
Journal of transportation engineering 119 (4), 515-534, 1993
Study of unique merging behavior under mixed traffic conditions
V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan, G Asaithambi
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 29, 98-112, 2015
Influence of lane and vehicle subclass on free-flow speeds for urban roads in heterogeneous traffic
S Balakrishnan, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 166-175, 2015
Evaluation of left turn channelization at a signalized intersection under heterogeneous traffic conditions
A Gowri, R Sivanandan
Transport 23 (3), 221-229, 2008
Short-term prediction of travel time for Indian traffic conditions using buses as probe vehicles
LD Vanajakshi, SC Subramanian, R Sivanandan
Transportation Research Board 87th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2008
Characteristics of mixed traffic on urban arterials with significant volumes of motorized two-wheelers: role of composition, intraclass variability, and lack of lane discipline
G Asaithambi, V Kanagaraj, KK Srinivasan, R Sivanandan
Transportation research record 2317 (1), 51-59, 2012
Evaluation of right-turn lanes at signalized intersection in non-lane-based heterogeneous traffic using microscopic simulation model
A Gowri, R Sivanandan
Transportation letters 7 (2), 61-72, 2015
Use of GPS probe data and passenger data for prediction of bus transit travel time
Y Ramakrishna, P Ramakrishna, V Lakshmanan, R Sivanandan
Transportation Land Use, Planning, and Air Quality, 124-133, 2008
Passenger car unit estimation at signalized intersection for non-lane based mixed traffic using microscopic simulation model
G Asaithambi, HS Mourie, R Sivanandan
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 45 (1), 12-20, 2017
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Articles 1–20