Kulwinder Kaur Mehal
Kulwinder Kaur Mehal
Panjab University
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Cited by
Investigating the phytotoxic potential of Verbesina encelioides: effect on growth and performance of co-occurring weed species
KK Mehal, A Kaur, HP Singh, DR Batish
Protoplasma 260 (1), 77-87, 2023
Modelling the ecological impact of invasive weed Verbesina encelioides on vegetation composition across dryland ecosystems of Punjab, northwestern India
KK Mehal, A Sharma, A Kaur, N Kalia, RK Kohli, HP Singh, DR Batish
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (6), 725, 2023
Verbesina encelioides: A Fast Spreading Weed in Semi-arid Regions of North-Western India. Is Climate Change Responsible?
KK Mehal
Journal of Scientific Research 13 (1), 275-282, 2021
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