Saman Ebadi
Saman Ebadi
Professor of Applied Linguistics, Razi University
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Cited by
Vygotsky's zone of proximal development: Instructional implications and teachers' professional development.
K Shabani, M Khatib, S Ebadi
English language teaching 3 (4), 237-248, 2010
Exploring the impact of online peer-editing using Google Docs on EFL learners’ academic writing skills: A mixed methods study
S Ebadi, M Rahimi
Computer Assisted Language Learning 30 (8), 787-815, 2017
An exploration into the impact of WebQuest-based classroom on EFL learners’ critical thinking and academic writing skills: A mixed-methods study
S Ebadi, M Rahimi
Computer Assisted Language Learning 31 (5-6), 617-651, 2018
Mediating EFL learners’ academic writing skills in online dynamic assessment using Google Docs
S Ebadi, M Rahimi
Computer Assisted Language Learning 32 (5-6), 527-555, 2019
Examining the roles of social presence and human-likeness on Iranian EFL learners’ motivation using artificial intelligence technology: a case of CSIEC chatbot
A Ebadi, S., Amini
Interactive Learning Environments, 2022
The effect of Google Expeditions virtual reality on EFL learners’ willingness to communicate and oral proficiency
E Ebadijalal
Computer assisted language learning, 2020
The effects of pre-reading activities on ESP reading comprehension
M Alemi, S Ebadi
Journal of Language Teaching and Research 1 (5), 569, 2010
Exploring EFL learners’ inferential reading comprehension skills through a flipped classroom
E Samie
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2021
Exploring learners’ grammatical development in mobile assisted language learning
N Ghorbani, S Ebadi
Cogent Education 7 (1), 1704599, 2020
Exploring EFL pre-service teachers’ adoption of technology in a CALL program: obstacles, motivators, and maintenance
S Fathi, Ebadi
Education and Information Technologies, 2020
An exploration into EFL learners’ writing skills via mobile-based dynamic assessment
E Bashiri
Education and Information Technologies 25 (6), 1-22, 2020
Exploring EFL learners’ perspectives on using Kahoot as a game-based student response system
S Ebadi, R Rasouli, M Mohamadi
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (4), 2338-2350, 2023
Microgenesis in dynamic assessment of L2 learners’ socio-cognitive development via web 2.0
P Birjandi, S Ebadi
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 32, 34-39, 2012
An exploration into the impact of augmented reality on EFL learners’ Reading comprehension
Ebadi, S & Ashrafabadi
Education and Information Technologies, 2022
Exploring transcendence in EFL learners’ reading comprehension through computerized dynamic assessment
S Ebadi, A Saeedian
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 4 (1), 27-45, 2016
Exploring EFL learners` developmental errors in academic writing through face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated dynamic assessment
SES Vakili
Computer assisted language learning, 2020
Developing EFL learners’ speaking skills through dynamic assessment: A case of a beginner and an advanced learner
S Ebadi, A Asakereh
Cogent Education 4 (1), 1419796, 2017
Investigating demotivating factors in foreign language learners: The case of non-Iranian Persian language learners
A Vakilifard, S Ebadi, M Zamani, B Sadeghi
Cogent Education 7 (1), 1690232, 2020
Move Analysis of the Conclusion Sections of Research Papers in Persian and English.
G Zamani, S Ebadi
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 11 (1), 9-20, 2016
Exploring lexical inferencing as a vocabulary acquisition strategy through computerized dynamic assessment and static assessment
S Ebadi, H Weisi, H Monkaresi, K Bahramlou
Computer Assisted Language Learning 31 (7), 790-817, 2018
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Articles 1–20