Dr. Vienna Saraswaty
Dr. Vienna Saraswaty
National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia
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Cited by
Pineapple peel wastes as a potential source of antioxidant compounds
V Saraswaty, C Risdian, I Primadona, R Andriyani, DGS Andayani, ...
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 60 (1), 012013, 2017
Electrochemical sensor based on screen printed carbon electrode–zinc oxide nano particles/molecularly imprinted-polymer (SPCE–ZnONPs/MIP) for detection of sodium dodecyl …
P Faradilla, H Setiyanto, RV Manurung, V Saraswaty
RSC advances 12 (2), 743-752, 2022
The influence of temperature and ethanol concentration in monacolin K extraction from Monascus fermented rice
M Singgih, V Saraswaty, D Ratnaningrum, S Priatni, S Damayanti
Procedia Chemistry 9, 242-247, 2014
Alpha Glucosidase inhibitory activity from Syzygium sp
V Saraswaty
Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia 33 (1), 33-37, 2010
Silver nanoparticles coupled with graphene nanoplatelets modified screen-printed carbon electrodes for rhodamine B detection in food products
AE Kartika, H Setiyanto, RV Manurung, SNA Jenie, V Saraswaty
ACS omega 6 (47), 31477-31484, 2021
The utilization of solid substrates on Monascus fermentation for anticholesterol agent production
S Priatni, S Damayanti, V Saraswaty, D Ratnaningrum, M Singgih
Procedia Chemistry 9, 34-39, 2014
Isolation of an anti-cancer asperuloside from Hedyotis corymbosa L
N Artanti, M Hanafi, R Andriyani, V Saraswaty, LZ Udin, PD Lotulung, ...
J Trop Life Sci 5 (2), 98-101, 2015
Chemical reactivity of chlorambucil in organic solvents: influence of 4-chloro butyronitrile nucleophile to voltammogram profiles
H Setiyanto, V Saraswaty, R Hertadi, I Noviandri, B Buchari
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 6 (6), 2090-2100, 2011
Screening of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)-producing bacteria from soil bacteria strains
D Ratnaningrum, V Saraswaty, S Priatni, P Lisdiyanti, A Purnomo, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 277 (1), 012003, 2019
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of endophytic fungus Fennellia nivea NRRL 5504.
V Saraswaty, Y Srikandace, NA Simbiyani, H Setiyanto, Z Udin
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 16 (22), 1574-1578, 2013
Highly selective electrochemical sensing based on electropolymerized ion imprinted polyaniline (IIPANI) on a bismuth modified carbon paste electrode (CPE-Bi) for monitoring …
H Setiyanto, DR Purwaningsih, V Saraswaty, N Mufti, MA Zulfikar
RSC advances 12 (45), 29554-29561, 2022
Fractionation using adsorptive macroporous resin HPD-600 enhances antioxidant activity of Gnetum gnemon L. seed hard shell extract
V Saraswaty, I Ketut Adnyana, S Pudjiraharti, T Mozef, M Insanu, ...
Journal of Food Science and Technology 54, 3349-3357, 2017
The performance of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)-modified carbon paste electrode and its application in detecting phenol
H Setiyanto, S Rahmadhani, S Sukandar, V Saraswaty, MA Zulfikar, ...
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 15 (6), 5477-5486, 2020
Bioactivity of Polysaccharide from Gracilaria Verrucosa as α-Glucosidase inhibitor
V Saraswaty, T Mozef, C Risdian, A Rasyid
Procedia Chemistry 16, 687-693, 2015
A study of essential oil from an invasive Piper aduncum L
I Wibawa, V Saraswaty, F Kuswantoro, PS Andila, PK Wardhani, IG Tirta, ...
Jurnal Biologi Udayana 23 (2), 50-58, 2019
Ethnobotanical uses of ‘cemcem’(Spondias pinnata (LF) kurz; anacardiaceae) leaves in bali (Indonesia) and its antioxidant activity
W Sujarwo, V Saraswaty, AP Keim, G Caneva, D Tofani
Pharmacologyonline 1, 113-123, 2017
Aktivitas Antioksidan dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Manggis, Daun Sirsak, dan Daun Sirih Merah
V Saraswaty, C Risdian, TA Budiwati, M danTjandrawati
Proceeding Seminar Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknik, 196-200, 2013
Cyclic Voltammetric Study of Chlorambucil in The Presence of 4-Chloro Butyronitrile in Aqueous Solution
H Setiyanto, V Saraswaty, R Hertadi, I Noviandri, B Buchari
Int. J. Chemtech. Res. 3 (4), 1986-1992, 2011
Study on the Fenton reaction for degradation of Remazol Red B in textile waste industry
H Setiyanto
Molekul 11 (2), 168-179, 2016
Bioactivities screening of Indonesian marine bacteria isolated from sponges
N Artanti, F Maryani, H Mulyani, RT Dewi, V Saraswati, T Murniasih
Ann. Bogor 20, 23-28, 2016
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Articles 1–20