Peppino Mirabelli
Peppino Mirabelli
AORN Santobono-Pausilipon
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Biobanking in health care: evolution and future directions
L Coppola, A Cianflone, AM Grimaldi, M Incoronato, P Bevilacqua, ...
Journal of translational medicine 17, 1-18, 2019
Cancer cell lines are useful model systems for medical research
P Mirabelli, L Coppola, M Salvatore
Cancers 11 (8), 1098, 2019
Short-chain fatty acids and lipopolysaccharide as mediators between gut dysbiosis and amyloid pathology in Alzheimer’s disease
M Marizzoni, A Cattaneo, P Mirabelli, C Festari, N Lopizzo, V Nicolosi, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 78 (2), 683-697, 2020
Radiogenomic analysis of oncological data: a technical survey
M Incoronato, M Aiello, T Infante, C Cavaliere, AM Grimaldi, P Mirabelli, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (4), 805, 2017
EDA-ID and IP, Two Faces of the Same Coin: How the Same IKBKG/NEMO Mutation Affecting the NF-κB Pathway Can Cause Immunodeficiency and/or Inflammation
F Fusco, A Pescatore, MI Conte, P Mirabelli, M Paciolla, E Esposito, ...
International reviews of immunology 34 (6), 445-459, 2015
Incontinentia pigmenti: report on data from 2000 to 2013
F Fusco, M Paciolla, MI Conte, A Pescatore, E Esposito, P Mirabelli, ...
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 9, 1-5, 2014
A reliable Raman-spectroscopy-based approach for diagnosis, classification and follow-up of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
S Managò, C Valente, P Mirabelli, D Circolo, F Basile, D Corda, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24821, 2016
Combined CD133/CD44 expression as a prognostic indicator of disease-free survival in patients with colorectal cancer
G Galizia, M Gemei, L Del Vecchio, A Zamboli, R Di Noto, P Mirabelli, ...
Archives of surgery 147 (1), 18-24, 2012
CD66c is a novel marker for colorectal cancer stem cell isolation, and its silencing halts tumor growth in vivo
M Gemei, P Mirabelli, R Di Noto, C Corbo, A Iaccarino, A Zamboli, ...
Cancer 119 (4), 729-738, 2013
Comparison of bioinformatics pipelines and operating systems for the analyses of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences in human fecal samples
M Marizzoni, T Gurry, S Provasi, G Greub, N Lopizzo, F Ribaldi, C Festari, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 1262, 2020
The dynamics of engineered resident proteins in the mammalian Golgi complex relies on cisternal maturation
R Rizzo, S Parashuraman, P Mirabelli, C Puri, J Lucocq, A Luini
Journal of Cell Biology 201 (7), 1027-1036, 2013
Usefulness of traditional serum biomarkers for management of breast cancer patients
P Mirabelli, M Incoronato
BioMed research international 2013 (1), 685641, 2013
Phosphorylation‐regulated degradation of the tumor‐suppressor form of PED by chaperone‐mediated autophagy in lung cancer cells
C Quintavalle, S Di Costanzo, C Zanca, I Tasset, A Fraldi, M Incoronato, ...
Journal of Cellular Physiology 229 (10), 1359-1368, 2014
Protein cross‐talk in CD 133+ colon cancer cells indicates activation of the W nt pathway and upregulation of SR p20 that is potentially involved in tumorigenicity
C Corbo, S Orrù, M Gemei, RD Noto, P Mirabelli, E Imperlini, M Ruoppolo, ...
Proteomics 12 (12), 2045-2059, 2012
Raman detection and identification of normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells
S Managò, P Mirabelli, M Napolitano, G Zito, AC De Luca
Journal of biophotonics 11 (5), e201700265, 2018
Critical role of multidimensional flow cytometry in detecting occult leptomeningeal disease in newly diagnosed aggressive B-cell lymphomas
R Di Noto, G Scalia, G Abate, M Gorrese, C Pascariello, M Raia, ...
Leukemia research 32 (8), 1196-1199, 2008
TCGA-TCIA impact on radiogenomics cancer research: a systematic review
M Zanfardino, K Pane, P Mirabelli, M Salvatore, M Franzese
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (23), 6033, 2019
DCE‐MRI pharmacokinetic‐based phenotyping of invasive ductal carcinoma: a radiomic study for prediction of histological outcomes
S Monti, M Aiello, M Incoronato, AM Grimaldi, M Moscarino, P Mirabelli, ...
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 2018 (1), 5076269, 2018
Flow cytometry analysis of acute promyelocytic leukemia: the power of ‘surface hematology’
R Di Noto, P Mirabelli, L Del Vecchio
Leukemia 21 (1), 4-8, 2007
Extended flow cytometry characterization of normal bone marrow progenitor cells by simultaneous detection of aldehyde dehydrogenase and early hematopoietic antigens …
P Mirabelli, R Di Noto, C Lo Pardo, P Morabito, G Abate, M Gorrese, ...
BMC physiology 8, 1-10, 2008
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Articles 1–20