Kirsten Ellenbogen
Kirsten Ellenbogen
President and CEO, Great Lakes Science Center
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Cited by
Learning science in informal environments: People, places, and pursuits
P Bell
Natl Academy Pr, 2009
Policy statement of the “informal science education” ad hoc committee
LD Dierking, JH Falk, L Rennie, D Anderson, K Ellenbogen
Journal of research in science teaching 40 (2), 108-111, 2003
Museums in family life: An ethnographic case study
KM Ellenbogen
Learning conversations in museums, 92-112, 2003
Family learning research in museums: An emerging disciplinary matrix?
KM Ellenbogen, JJ Luke, LD Dierking
Science Education 88 (S1), S48-S58, 2004
Changing minds? Reassessing outcomes in free‐choice environmental education
M Storksdieck, K Ellenbogen, JE Heimlich
Environmental Education Research 11 (3), 353-369, 2005
Understanding dialogic argumentation
R Duschl, K Ellenbogen, S Erduran
the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal …, 1999
Supplement: In Principle, In Practice: Perspectives on a Decade of Museum Learning Research (1994-2004) Copyright© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley CompanySave Title to My …
LD Dierking, KM Ellenbogen, JH Falk
Science Education 88 (11), S1-S3, 2004
Family learning in museums: Perspectives on a decade of research
KM Ellenbogen, JJ Luke, LD Dierking
In principle, in practice: Museums as learning institutions, 17-30, 2007
Promoting Argumentation in Middle School Science Classrooms: A Project SEPIA Evaluation.
RA Duschl, K Ellenbogen, S Erduran
For full text: http://www. educ. sfu. ca/narstsite/conference/duschletal …, 1999
Placing objects within disciplinary perspectives: Examples from history and science
R Bain, KM Ellenbogen
Perspectives on object-centered learning in museums, 153-169, 2002
From dioramas to the dinner table: An ethnographic case study of the role of science museums in family life
KM Ellenbogen
Vanderbilt University, 2003
Research in museums: Coping with complexity
S Allen, J Gutwill, DL Perry, C Garibay, KM Ellenbogen, JE Heimlich, ...
In principle, in practice: Museums as learning institutions, 229-245, 2007
Science inquiry in a digital world: Possibilities for making thinking visible
SR Goldman, RA Duschl, K Ellenbogen, SM Williams, C Tzou
Cognition in a digital world, 253-281, 2003
Measuring informal STEM learning supports across contexts and time
BJ Morris, W Owens, K Ellenbogen, S Erduran, J Dunlosky
International Journal of STEM Education 6, 1-12, 2019
Middle school science students’ dialogic argumentation
RA Duschl, K Ellenbogen
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference of the European Science …, 1999
Learning science in informal contexts–Epistemological perspectives and paradigms
D Anderson, KM Ellenbogen
Second international handbook of science education, 1179-1187, 2012
Understanding the intersection of museum audience motivations and technology
K Ellenbogen, J Falk, K & Haley Goldman
Museum informatics: People, information, and technology in museums, 187-194, 2008
Broadening our notions of the impact of free-choice learning experiences
LD Dierking, M Cohen Jones, M Wadman, JH Falk, M Storksdieck, ...
Informal Learning Review 55 (1), 4-7, 2002
Argumentation and epistemic criteria: Investigating learners’ reasons for reasons
R Duschl, K Ellenbogen
Educación química 20 (2), 111-118, 2009
Impact of technology on informal learning
D Ucko, KM Ellenbogen
The impact of the laboratory and technology on learning and teaching science …, 2008
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Articles 1–20